Page 37 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 37

                                    a newcomer. When Danny arrived in his van I rushed out into the street to reveal my own entry, it was certainly not easy to lift and manoeuvre onto another table next to Bernie’s. They looked pretty similar in size, and everyone was soon commenting
so big you couldn’t see the display, but luckily the scales recorded the weight for a few seconds after taking the pumpkins off. Bernie’s came in at 26.35kg and mine tipped the scales at 31.5kg (a surprisingly large difference I thought) – cue football style shirt
again?) which I will have to give back as they intend to run it again next year, with several other people already expressing a desire to have a go and asking me for plants. Happy to oblige but I’m very much in everyone’s firing line now! However, if getting beaten means I can introduce a few more
to the showing hobby then it’ll all be worth the ridicule!
And finally, on Hallowe’en my 4 grandkids had great fun helping me hollow out and carve my winning pumpkin, (I went for the big one eating a small one design again) and which was donated to a local pig farm afterwards.
that Bernie’s was much prettier and deserved to win. I ask you, really!?! Percy now proceeded to prolong our agony
A great afternoon, lots of laughs and banter
over the head celebration running up and down the stairs and Leesa telling me to behave (I’d quaffed a few medium-strength- ers by then)!
A great afternoon, lots of laughs and banter, but thank God I won, the thought of walking in for
by measuring both
fruits, around the
circumference, and
from table-top across to
table-top in two opposite
directions. I later found out that there were only a few millimetres difference between them. Eventually we got to the all-important weigh-in, Bernie’s being positioned by husband Darren first. Slight problem, they were both
the next year having been toppled by the lovely, but surprisingly competitive Bernie doesn’t bear thinking about. I even won a little trophy (I wonder if I stopped winning trophies with my veg would Man Utd start winning them
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Simply Vegetables 37

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