Page 13 - QARANC Vol 14 No 6 2013
P. 13

                                 THE GAZETTE QARANC 11
   casualties were being returned to UK as soon as possible, many to Woolwich; the workload in the operating theatres was therefore intensified. Those of us who were on standby to go had to be ready to depart at a moment’s notice, but at the same time continue to work as normal until our departure was confirmed. Sadly during this time my family suffered an unexpected and sudden death of a close beloved family member, and so there was a family funeral to attend in late May.
On a happier note Brigadier V Rooke our Matron-In-Chief and Director of Army Nursing Services had invited myself and Captain Katie Edwards-Evans (E Squared as we all affectionately called her) to The Tercentenary Of The Foundation Of The Royal Hospital Chelsea 1682- 1982 for the Founders Day Parade on the 10th of June 1982. A hastily arranged shopping trip to London was organised to buy new outfits for the occasion especially so as HM The Queen would be the Reviewing Officer. It was warm sunny June day, and it turned out to be a very happy, memorable and enjoyable occasion and welcome break from the events of the previous couple of months.
Inevitably the moment came when my deployment to The Falkland islands was confirmed. I left for Aldershot on the 16th of June 1982 to prepare for the long sea journey to the South Atlantic on the troopship The TEV (Turbine Electric Vessel) Rangatira on the 19th of June 1982. 14 QA’s and over 1,000 troops on board departed from British Transport Docks at Southampton, as the sound of the Band of The Royal Engineers playing “A Life On The Ocean Wave” faded into the distance. There was a large crowd of family, friends and well-wishers including representatives of local and national press to cheer us on our way. As Rangatira slipped her moorings at 2pm, we left British Soil for the epic 8,000mile voyage South to The Falkland Islands.
Major (Retd.) M E Barclay-Cooke RGN. RM. RHV. QARANC.
9 days later though, the picture was very different!
   Next Issue
Part 2 – Memories of a distant war.

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