Page 30 - QARANC Vol 14 No 6 2013
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                                28 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 Rugby Highlights
The first time I picked up a rugby ball was in 2004 while at university not long after England won the world cup. I tried my hand as a part time player and played for the North East Regional Squad, Blaydon in the women’s premiership and even went along to England student trials. That didn’t last long and I went back to playing and coaching football for Newcastle United, however in 2009 I decided it would be good to give rugby another try at which point I joined Darlington Mowden Park Sharks.
Whilst at DMP Sharks I was serving in the RAF Reserves, which enabled me to play for the RAF, this was a new and exciting challenge, in 2010 I was given the opportunity to represent in the Inter-Services and played in the game against the Army which was a physical affair to say the least! 2010 turned into a productive year for rugby with a RAF tour to New Zealand followed by representing the Combined Services against the British Police in the remembrance match. The following Year I saw the remembrance game from a whole new perspective, playing for a Barbarians squad with other members of the forces against the CS squad.
Having spent almost 4 years in the RAF reserves I found my way to the Army. Since leaving university in 2008 I had worked within Disability Sport, I decided it was time to start a new challenge in my life and through service rugby I met several individuals who were able to give me a better idea of service life and what opportunities were available. Notably it was Maj Maggie Hodge and Maj Kat Woods who opened my eyes to the possibility of a life as a QA and being able to study as a nurse within the Army. So in a way playing rugby has opened doors for me that I never knew were there as before playing for the Combined Services.
It’s funny how things happen but I am glad I sat on their table for lunch while training with the Combined Services squad in 2011. It seems like my life has been on fast forward since then, The next thing I know there I was at Sandhurst for my Nursing selection board and before I knew it April 2012 had arrived I was giving my dad a hug goodbye and walking through the
doors at ATC Pirbright.
I am now at DSHE Birmingham
undergoing my BSc Nursing through Birmingham City University, its different from a BSc Sport Science but I certainly wouldn’t change where I am. While many think we are out of a military setting we are not able to forget we are in the forces, PT sessions before the sun comes up, inspections and military afternoons with a variety of speakers giving an insight into different areas within military nursing.
Being a football convert made some aspects of rugby quite easy as there are transferrable skills, however the “laws of the game” now that’s a whole different story. This became more apparent to me and while I could improve my technique in training I was not able to develop as a player so towards the end of the season I signed myself up to an Entry Level Referee Award, this is a short course to help players, coaches, parents understand the laws and how to manage a game safely to help the game at a grassroots level. As part of the course you have
to referee 3 matches and do some self analysis then in your final game you are ‘observed’ by a member of the referee society who will give you feedback and developments. Strangely enough what I had planned to be a development for my playing turned into something I really enjoyed and for once women’s Rugby being played on a Sunday was actually a bonus. This allowed me to referee men’s matches on a Saturday and continue playing in the Women’s Premiership on a Sunday, so in my eyes I got the best of both worlds.
Refereeing is something I have found a passion for and unlike in football where there is so much of a negativity about it in rugby there is a respect for officials and the players and spectators understand without people being willing to give up their time to control 30 men, women or children there wouldn’t be a game to play or enjoy watching.
I am still a relative novice with regards to refereeing this being only my 3rd full season with the whistle, however if anyone is tempted to give it a try I would encourage it the opportunities I

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