Page 19 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022 CREST
P. 19

 attack and reorganisation, which was done very effectively.
Predictably, the points to improve from this attack focused on individual skills and drills, and not the Platoon Commander’s performance. Everyone was surprised by the difficulty of con- trolling the attack and communicating, empha- sising the importance of link people. The radio operators also commented on how much more physically demanding carrying a radio made the attack. Nonetheless, it was a good attack.
Having experienced the perfect DS solution, the next attack had OCdts as Platoon Commander and Platoon Sergeant. Despite this being our first real opportunity to lead troops at platoon level in the field, which is why everyone came to Sandhurst, few people truly wanted the pressure of going first. This attack had a few challenges, but overall was well thought out. It just lacked momentum, a natural consequence of the Pla- toon Commander being completely new to the role. Some points on soldiering skills were also highlighted, including accuracy of ammo states and awareness of the enemy. However, given our level of experience, it was an impressive attack.
Next came a command appointment change and the start of the final attack. This proceeded similarly to the first, with good planning and well- delivered quick battle orders from the Platoon Commander. There was again a slight lack of
momentum and similar points on soldiering skills. The primary difference in this attack came at the start of the assault of the last position, where an enemy GPMG opened up on a regrouping sec- tion not in cover, and an enthusiastic Section Commander thought he could roll the position with a fire team, which caused a mass casu- alty evacuation. However, the positions were all cleared, and the attack was successful and well executed by all involved.
Ex SECOND ATTACK was a very good first experience of platoon attacks that our platoon thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone is now feeling more prepared for and looking forward to Ex MONTGOMERY’S MARK.

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