Page 20 - Out Birding Winter 2023
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Richard wrote an article for Out Birding (OB 112, Autumn 2023), introducing himself as the H&S officer and outlining the new processes. Zoom meetings are planned to sup- port event coordinators in completing the new paperwork. Pat and Eva and Sue creat- ed new guidance around event entries/information with an increased focus on H&S.
A great deal has been achieved; actions outstanding include the distribution of a new online version of risk assessments to existing event leaders; development of a process for providing new event leaders with online risk assessments, and the organization of Zoom support sessions for leaders. Concluding his report, Richard gave thanks to the whole committee, but especially to Andy and Pat for their support.
There followed a broad discussion on general H & S issues, especially regarding the ‘social’ meetings and food-related risks. Liz explained that our issue is primarily an insurance one, and required us to take, and be seen to take, ‘reasonable’ precautions where necessary; Richard added that we need to ‘mitigate’ risks rather than totally avoid them. It is not the intention to cover all possibilities and individual members still need to take sensible precautions themselves.
7 Events Co-ordinators’ Report
Sue Crane and Eva March updated the AGM on events. Some 68 events were listed in the 2023 calendar with an additional 8 zoom talks. It was good to see new leaders offering different locations as well as the usual favourites. Additional events were offered during the year along with last-minute alterations/cancellations which were successfully notified to the membership via the email and monitored by Caroline Grey. Thanks Caroline. 19 people contributed photos and 37 were selected. Selection depends on the space available.
GBC’s new calendar for 2024 is currently being finalised and takes into account the new approach for risk assessments, and the narrative for the events will show this which will help members decide if events are suitable for them.
There followed a discussion of participation in events by non-members, and of some Facebook group birders who are not GBC members; and of comparable groups such as general walkers and ‘Meet-up’ folk. The conclusion was that GBC is a ‘club’ for mem- bers: thus, our priority is to our members only. Linking back to H & S issues,
8 Out Birding Editor’s Report
Pat Crofton thanked the many members who contributed during the year, the four editions of Out Birding delivered a very good variety of event reports, features and photographs. The majority of members now received the electronic version only. The process of applying Flipbuilder, which turns the pages, works well and the company providing it, TypeStart is friendly and reliable. 27 paper copies were sent out, with those members paying the cost of printing and postage, an annual ‘surcharge’ of £15. The printers, Fulprint, provide an excellent service. Pat collects the copies to save p&p.
9 Commi􏰀ee Members for 2024
Andy covered the changes in the Commi􏰀ee membership in the year in his Report (4) 20

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