Page 5 - Out Birding Winter 2023
P. 5

We ended our weekend by making a brief visit to Shapwick, where we added Red Kite and Sparrowhawk to our list of of 60 species. It was definitely a very memorable weekend, for all the right reasons.
Upton Warren 29/04/2023
Our day started at 10:00 with 11 members a􏰀ending. Upton Warren is a unique reserve in central England owing to the saline lagoons where good numbers of Avocet normally breed. It also has a fresh water lake and reed beds.
Our day started from the car park of the sailing lake, an abandoned gravel working. We were all given probably the best views of Lesser Whitethroat most of us had ever seen, singing on the top of a bush. As we made our way to the saline lagoons (The Flashes as they are known locally) we had views of Common Tern on the sailing lake, together with Sand Mar􏰁n and Swi􏰂. The radio masts held the regular Peregrine which is always great to see. Buzzards also circled overhead. Sadly Worcestershire, like many other places have been hit by bird flu, so the Avocet numbers were lower than normal and they were not breeding. However, they did give us some lovely views together with 4 Li􏰀le Ringed Plover and a few breeding Lapwing. Shelduck were also breeding, together with 2 pair of Oystercatcher. A Sparrowhawk put in appearance and flushed most of the birds into a frenzy.
We made our way back to the cars for lunch before heading over to the Moors pool, a fresh water lake circled by a reed bed. We heard and saw our first Reed Warbler here, together with Cuckoo, a first of the summer for most of us. A Kestrel hung in the air over the farm, the back of the lake and more Buzzards circled. Tu􏰂ed Duck were in good numbers with a few Gadwall and a very noisy large flock of Greylag Geese. From the East Hide we had good views of Kingfisher and Water Rail. Common Tern put in an appearance and sat on a post in the water giving good telescope views, enabling us to note the differences from Ar􏰁c Tern. Whitethroat numbers were low but we did manage 1 from the back of the North Moors Pool, together with Great Spo􏰀ed Woodpecker.
Hirundines were in evidence and we managed 1 House Mar􏰁n amongst the the Sand Mar􏰁ns and Swallows. 55 species in all. Upton Warren always makes a special days and consistently gives special sigh􏰁ng of birds.
Muker Flower Meadows 08/06/2023
The concern for anyone organizing an ou􏰁ng to the flower meadows in the village of Muker in Swaledale is whether the show will be at its peak, gone over or not yet quite ready. Or worse – that it’s already been mown. But we were lucky and the flowers were at their best. I was there one week later and it wasn’t the same at all.
We were joined by Jan and Sue from Oxfordshire, who were exploring Yorkshire, and 5

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