Page 3 - 2006/07 AMA Winter
P. 3
The Journal ofThe Army Mountaineering Association
Iwould like to introduce
myself to those who
do not know me. I am
Maj Cath Davies and I
have just taken over as
Chairman of the Army
Association. I have
been involved on the
Executive Committee
for 12 years, latterly as Vice Chairman and then AMA50 Project Leader, but more of that later. As well as climbing and mountaineering all over the world for over 25 years, I have been a leader on a number of large AMA projects, most
recently as one of the leaders of the Development Team on the Everest West Ridge expedition. As Vice Chairman responsible for the development of mountaineering, I sup ported the appointment of a Training and Development Officer to encourage young members joining the AMA to make the jump from Sport Climbing to walking and climbing outdoors. I am committed to developing opportunities for our members to participate in adventurous mountaineering expeditions and as Chairman; I will endeavor to promote exploratory mountaineering both in the AMA and a Joint Service context. I am conscious that the increased tempo of ops has meant that the time required to plan, fundraise and carry out an adventurous overseas expedition is rarely avail
able to personnel in the Field Army. To alleviate this prob lem and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of our Association, we have put together a project of five excit ing expeditions, with the Executive Committee assisting the Leaders in selection, fundraising, planning and providing continuity for those Leaders on ops. Selection is complete for Shisha Pangma and the Atlas Mountains expedition is for Junior Soldiers, but otherwise the expeditions are open to all suitably experienced AMA members. An outline of AMA50 is below.
Before finishing, I would like to say what an honour it is to serve the AMA membership as your Chairman and I look for ward to meeting more of you than I already have on the hill, on expeditions and at the Annual Weekend when we hold our AGM.
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Why not visit our web site at:
51 Go Large in the Rockies 31
IREX Dragon 12
Onthesummitol Chottyufullymeshedupsgeinsttheelements.
©Copyright:Anyopinionsexpressedinthea/tidesinthismagazine are those of the authorsanddonotnecessarilyreflectthepolicyandviews,official or otherwise of theMOD,A/myorAssociation.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced without thepermissionoftheeditororpublisherNoresponsibilityfor the quality of goods or services advertised in this magazine can be accepted b y t h e e d i t o r , p u b l i s h e r s . Association.Army.MODorprintersandaladvertisementsare included ingood laith
The Army Mountaineer is published for Ttie Army Mountaineering Association by: Crest Publications ü Moult
Tel: 01604 495495. Fax: 01604 495465
Officers of the Committe Foreword
4 Farewell letter tram Major General Cottam 7
Ecrins Ice
AMA 50th Anniversary Expedition 2007 AMA Training for Tibet
The Alps -
Everest West Ridge 200G
EWR 2006 Development Team
EWR 2006 Junior Team
The Cho Oyu Affair
Jan Raalsrud Expedition 28
A Venue for All Seasons
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AMA Annual Weekend 2006
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