Page 19 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 19

4th Regiment Royal Artillery
94 (New Zealand)
   Headquarters Battery Maj Eamonn Hall RA
 Maj Hall RA
Capt O’Connor RA WO2 (BSM) Fowler WO2 Phillips
SSgt Eason
SSgt Gharti Magar SSgt Harrison
SSgt Richardson SSgt Springett SSgt Tate
Sgt Evans
Sgt Wright
Sgt Harrison
Sgt Hardman
Sgt Hoedoafia
Sgt O’Connor
Sgt Shubotham Sgt Greenwood Sgt Peacock Bdr Bent
Cpl Burn Cpl Carrick Bdr Cook Bdr Daniel Cpl Davison Cpl Edwards Cpl Foster Cpl Grundy Cpl Haslam Cpl Mitchell Bdr Smith Cpl Stewart
Bdr Tate
Bdr Todd
Bdr Wilkinson Bdr Metcalfe Bdr White
LCpl Andrea LCpl Bayles LBdr Cummins LCpl Dutton LBdr Hemmings LBdr January LCpl Jones
LBdr Jones LBdr Keating LBdr Lavender LCpl Nadolny
LBdr Phillips LBdr Rokosusu LBdr Goudie LBdr Hall
LBdr Pattinson LCpl Watson LBdr Wesserling Gnr Bonnett
Tpr Burns
Gnr Beaumont Gnr Garraway Gnr Griffiths Pte Katalau Gnr Knox
Gnr Marklew Cfn Mcleod
Gnr Onyegbula Pte Osborne Gnr Ridley
Gnr Silavwe Gnr Smith
Pte Snee Gnr Starr Gnr Syddall Pte Taylor Gnr Tully Gnr Virimi Gnr Wright
 Capt J O’Connor RA
In the last 2 years 94 Headquarters Battery has been as busy as ever, demonstrating high performance at every opportunity.
Most recently, Ex SUNDERLAND DAG- GER 22 saw the Fire Direction Cell (FDC) deploy complete for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic to tactically support the Regiment’s annual Live Fire Exercise. Since then, the Battery has maintained a fast-paced series of Exercises including Ex NICKEL DRAGON 22 which saw the JFC and FDC tested together in a simulated environment for the first time, developing the TTPs and SOPs required to provide Offensive Support to a deployed Brigade Combat Team.
Re-subordination to 7 Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team (LMBCT ) saw preparations begin for the assumption of NATO’s VJTF(L) Initial Follow on Forces Group (IFFG) 23, with the JERBOA series of Exercises. This began with a Combined Arms Synthetic Trainer (CAST) North which tested the planning teams’ ability to integrate Joint Fires within a Brigade plan. Several HICON deployments followed in support of the Brigades Battlegroup exer- cises which also validated the Equipment Btys of the Regiment. This led onto Ex CERBERUS which saw 94 HQ Bty deploy tactically as part of 7LMBCT on the 3 (UK) Div exercise in Germany.
The winter of 2022 saw the Bty provide support to UK Resilience as part of the UK Standby Battalion (UKSB). This task- ing saw the Bty train for and maintain high readiness to deploy anywhere within the UK in support of civilian agencies. During this 3-month tasking the Bty supported
The Fires Direction Cell in action on Exercise SUNDERLAND DAGGER
 UK Border Force during industrial action. Led by SSgt Scott Eason, the team suc- cessfully picked up the skills required to keep the ports and airports open, and to ensure the security of our borders over the winter holidays.
As soon as the Bty stood down from UKSB readiness it was immediately out of the door to deploy on Ex DYNAMIC FRONT 23. This was a NATO Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities (ASCA) Combined Joint Fires Exercise, which saw the Bty successfully use the ASCA gate- way to process UHF data fires from UK, US, Spanish and Danish Observers to UK, US, French, Polish and Spanish Gun Btys
and one German Naval Ship. This Exercise demonstrated multinational interoper- ability and was the driving force behind the Bty’s progression to full exploitation of data fires. Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER (SD) 23 saw the Bty lead the Regt to suc- cessfully execute a Fire Mission, from the Observer to the Guns, using portable data terminals, thereby increasing the Regt’s survivability and the responsiveness of the guns in the modern electronically-domi- nated battlefield.
Whilst on Ex SD 23 the Regiment held a “Best Detachment” patrol competi- tion consisting of 11 stands over a 25km march. 94 Bty entered two teams who

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