Page 46 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 46
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
In May 2022, 94 (New Zealand) HQ Bty deployed on Ex KIWI TARTAN. This was a 2-week adventure training package
held in the Cairngorm mountain range led by Sgt Gharti Magar and Cpl Stew- art. The activities conducted were moun- taineering and mountain biking followed by a tour of Fort George and a delicious meal in the heart of Inverness on the final day. A total of 35 individuals deployed from the Battery, with instructor support from within the Battery and from external units.
The mountaineering was led by Cpl Stewart (94 Bty) and Maj Wilson (2 SCOTS). During the first week of the package, individuals were pushed out of their comfort zone due to the adverse weather. Winds were up to 50mph on top of Cairn Gorm with visibility only 10 metres at some points. Most of the expe- dition managed to make it to the summit, and although the view from the top was limited, it was a great accomplishment. The weather was much better during the second week, so the groups were able to put their map reading skills to the test whilst taking in the amazing scenery.
The mountain biking was led by Sgt Wells and Capt Oliver from D SQN Royal Yeomanry, and saw the exercising troops ride through Glenmore Forest, following the tracks around Loch Morlich. The exercising troops enjoyed some amaz- ing sights and found a great café at the halfway point. There was a wide range of experience within the group, ranging from those who had barely ridden a bike before to those who had a vast amount of experience. Nonetheless, everyone enjoyed the activity and learned at least some mountain bike maintenance skills.
The expedition ended with a tour of Fort George, a large 18th century fortress to the northeast of Inverness. With 1 mile of walls surrounding the fort, heavy guns covering every angle and a rich museum, this fabulous tour was the perfect end to the two weeks. Exercise KIWI TARTAN was a great success, achieving the twin goals of fostering team cohesion and stretching soldiers’ physical courage under controlled conditions.
Ex KIWI TARTAN Cpl Stewart
Undaunted by the weather, the team unfurl the Battery flag at the summit of Cairn Gorm
Writing the next chapter: future leaders
The students and directing staff of a 4RA Army Leadership and Development Programme (ALDP) course after their final attack on exercise in Garelochhead