Page 18 - Oundle Life October 2022
P. 18

Time waits for no man
   Jo Elwood runs The Oundle Clock Shop with Garry Martin and her daughter Vicky Elwood. Clocks are their real passion, once they started they couldn’t stop.
When was The Oundle Clock Shop established? Garry and I began a partnership in 2001 after my father retired.
What made you choose Oundle? The
shop has been in my family since 1923. My grandfather Sydney George Dyson opened it as a furniture shop. He was a cabinet maker.
Tell us more... My father Emil Skiba started a watchmaker and jewellery business in 1953 after my mother inherited 51 West Street. They ran a
very successful business until my father retired in 2001.
He had trained both my brother and myself in the art of horology, both serving seven year apprenticeships under his guidance.
Favourite timepiece on sale today? We specialise in locally made clocks over 200 years old. My favourite clock at the moment is a fusee drop dial wall clock made about 1820 in Peterborough by Wilson.
Locally made clocks have always been of extra interest to us as they inspire our knowledge of our surroundings and local history.
We also have a well documented history of

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