Page 22 - Oundle Life October 2022
P. 22

                                  After a two-year gap, there is going to be a military history evening at Oundle Library on Wednesday, 12th October at 6.00pm, when the Oundle U3A Military History Group will be giving a talk about the Korean War
Often referred to as ‘the forgotten war’ the conflict lasted three years (1950-1953) and involved nearly 3 million Allied troops from 17 countries including USA, Australia, Canada, France, South Africa and Great Britain.
North and South Korea had been created at the end of the Second World War, when Korea was liberated from Japanese control and the country was divided into two occupation zones. The North was established as the communist Democratic Republic of North Korea with the support of the Soviet Union; and the South
the American backed Republic of South Korea.
In 1949, when the Soviet Union and America withdrew their forces, tensions increased until, on 25th June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. America quickly sent forces to help
the South and the United Nations authorised members to give support. Just a few months later, China also entered the war to defend the North.
Many historians consider the Korean War
to be ‘the forgotten war’ sandwiched, as it
was, between the Second World War and the Vietnam War. But it was a conflict that saw heavy losses, and to this day no peace treaty has ever been signed. Oundle U3A Military History Group’s talk will cover the background and battles and put the current military and political tensions of the region into perspective.
Tickets are available from Oundle Library and cost £6. There will be refreshments.
The Korean War: a forgotten conflict?

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