Page 49 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
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suggested that you sowed these in pots in April. In the case of flowers, there are the half hardy annuals and dahlias to plant out.
There are a few varieties of dwarf runner beans, but most varieties grow tall. They can be grown on a trellis, up netting or on 8-foot (2.4 metre) canes. The canes can
be in the form of a wigwam (in a circle and tied together at the top) or in rows. I grow mine on a structure of canes in two rows about a metre apart and the canes 9 inches (23 cm.) apart. The top of the canes are tied to a horizontal cane along the top. Shorter canes are tied between the two rows at
the top and diagonal 8-foot canes between the rows to give strength to the structure.
I grow climbing French beans on a similar structure, but the canes aren’t as long.
Dwarf French beans can be planted 6 inches (15 cm.) apart in rows. The other crops I have just mentioned need more space, about 18 inches (45 cm.) between plants. Sweet corn is always planted in blocks rather than in rows because they are wind pollinated and it helps pollination if planting them this way.
All the vegetables I have just mentioned like good soil, enriched with manure or compost. Rake in some Growmore or fish, blood and bone before planting. I have told you before that I dig trenches for my rows of runner beans with green material in the bottom, but I fork some manure into the surface as well.
I wrote about sowing onions and leeks in January and February. If they were, the plants may be large enough to plant out and also brassicas
Fixing nets over the brassica bed
Dahlias do need rich, manured soil and need planting between 18 inches (45 cm.) and 24 inches (60cm.) apart depending on the variety. They can be planted in special beds of their own, or in rows, or if you are short of space, between other plants. They all need firmly staking and tying in as they grow.
Whichever part of the country you live in, this is the main month to plant Chrysanths because they are not tender like dahlias.
ties or rings every few inches. I pinch out the top of the plants which causes them to produce side shoots then choose the strongest shoot and remove all the rest. With this system you get better flowers on longer stems for cutting.
Apart from planting, here are a few other jobs for this month if potatoes were planted in April they should be growing and need earthing up by drawing the soil up round the stems.
Apply shading to greenhouses you can buy shading material from the garden centre. Also, open the windows and
doors in the daytime when the weather is suitable. If you are growing tomatoes on the cordon system, keep removing side shoots that appear in the leaf joints, where the leaves meet the stem.
As the weather is now warming up, watering will be a priority so see that all your plants have enough. Pests will also be increasing so keep you eye open for them and take appropriate action.
(cabbages, cauliflowers etc.) if they were sown in pots
in March. Both these and onions and leeks need well manured soil. Onion sets can also be planted now if not done before. You may also have salad crops ready for planting if they were sown in cell trays or pots earlier.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and aubergines can still be planted in the greenhouse if not done before.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and aubergines can still be planted in the greenhouse if not done before
They also like the soil enriched with manure or compost. They are better in their own beds if you have room but can be planted between other plants if you haven’t. Plant them about 18 inches (45 cm.) apart and stake them firmly. I always knock the stakes in before planting and with dahlias and tie the plants to them right away.
You can also plant gladioli this month the corms can be planted 12 inches (30 cm.) apart and 6 inches (15 cm.) deep, I put
Now to the flowers. Half
hardy annuals and dahlias are both tender but can be planted towards the end of
the month if you live in the South. I am reminding you again that these and the tender veg mentioned earlier, if raised in the greenhouse, need hardening off before planting. Half-hardy flowers are planted anything between 6 inches (15 cm.) and
18 inches (45 cm.) apart depending on the eventual height of the plants. They can
be planted in rows or in drifts and they don’t want manured soil. Just rake in some general fertiliser before planting, the taller ones need staking.
a handful of sand in the hole first to help drainage. They also need staking. For these dahlias and Chrysanths you will need 4 foot (1.2 metre) or 5 foot (1.5 metre) canes.
If sweet peas were sown in pots in March, as I suggested, they should be ready for planting they are hardy and can stand some frost. They can be grown
up a trellis or netting or canes. I told you earlier that I erect a structure of canes for runner beans, and I grow my sweet peas on the same structure. I grow them on the cordon system which means each plant having its own cane and just growing one shoot, securing it to the cane with twist
Annuals in frame
Simply Vegetables 49