Page 104 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 104

  Bed time for the night
The admin staff thus far and throughout, were, as always, our key to success. From the set up and pack up of each camp, the equipment support provided by bike mechanic Sgt Steve Daly and the outstanding culinary skills of Sgt Ben McQueen, who produced meals worthy of a Michelin star on a budget, every evening. His imagination to cook in the field was immense, ranging from steak and chips, curries to the fanciest “mince n tatties”. No mean feat on a 2-ring burner in the field!
With Week 2 underway and the dreaded Scottish midge starting to bite, we all agreed this was the better half of the challenge. We travelled up past Gretna towards Glasgow, by this point SSgt Davy Steel’s GPS was paying dividends trying to navigate the mayhem of Glasgow. We were now in the Highlands! Day 10 brought us through Loch Lomond, and a spot of pier jumping into the beautiful Lomond water in Luss! With the weather on our side, we had two days progressing nicely through the immensely scenic Crianlarich, Fort Augustus and Bonar Bridge. The last
Sgt McQueen in the kitchen, cooking up fine cuisine
day had arrived. Day 13 brought a welcomed southerly wind, this allowed for a nice day of cycling, quick lunch in Thurso and turned into the fastest leg of the whole journey covering 95 miles/3,100 feet in just over 5 hours! Not that it was a race, but a great effort after 13 days of gruelling cycling.
Finally in John o’ Groats, and the final photograph at the infamous signpost. This followed an evening of well-earned drinks, good food and a peaceful night, without the anticipation of another day on 2 wheels! After a relatively rare and appreciated long lie we returned the following day on the 5-hour drive down to Leuchars. With our triumphant moods, and success of achieving our goal, it didn’t take long to forget the sore legs and behinds, with discussions beginning on the next adventure. Europe, as the UK has run out of road!!
Enormous thanks, as always goes to our support team, Sgt McQueen, Sgt Daly, Cpl Maule and LCpl Campbell for sustaining the team throughout, driving countless
  Admin Team, making sure the team are kept in shape
Welcomed site, as the team enter into Scotland

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