Page 92 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 92

Cooperation) Squadron
Number II(AC) Squadron was founded on 13 May 1912 at Farnborough. Now based at RAF Lossiemouth in Moray flying the Typhoon FGR4, II (AC) Squadron is the senior squadron of the Royal Air Force. Known as ‘Shiny Two’ the Squadron’s mottos are ‘Hereward’ (Guardian of the Army) and ‘Second to None’. 2022 saw the 110th Anniversary celebrated whilst deployed on 2 simultaneous operations.
Op SHADER (Jan – May 22)
January 2022 was the beginning on the Squadron’s four-month deployment to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus to support Op SHADER. A smooth handover from Number 3(F) Squadron led to a formal transfer of the Op SHADER mission to Number II(AC) Squadron on 28 January. The deployment witnessed completion of over 2,000 air-to-air refuelling events and generated more than 3,000 flying hours.
Op ALUMINIUM (Feb – Mar 22)
Whilst maintaining operational output for Op SHADER, Number II(AC) Squadron was directed to support Op ALUMINIUM and NATO Enhanced Vigilance Activity (eVA) in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and in the Red Sea. Local area Op ALUMINIUM missions included Air-Maritime Integration, Close Air Support, and Combat Air Patrol. The additional tasking did not only double the Squadron’s monthly live flying hours, (1075 hours vice the planned 550), but provided the opportunity to fly with NATO partners in the eastern Mediterranean providing escort duties for a B-52 engaged in strategic deterrence and conduct integration training with French Rafales from the Charles De GAULLE and USN F-18s from the USS Harry S Truman.
The first half of the year saw an unprecedented level of activity. Simultaneously delivering Op SHADER Defensive Counter-Air and Close Air Support (CAS), alongside Op ALUMINIUM Combat Air Patorls, B-52 Escort, Air Maritime Integration, and several missions of Maritime Overwatch in the Red Sea. It was against this backdrop that on 13 May 2022, the Sqn celebrated its 110th Anniversary, making it the oldest fixed wing flying squadron in the world.
Morale remained high despite the relentless 24/7 tempo, and the variety of mission types was refreshing for the pilot cadre with mission flexibility being successfully enhanced by armed hot pit refuelling.
R2 Work-Up (Oct 22)
On return from deployed operations there was no time to rest as II(AC) Squadron were tasked to take over Very High Readiness and continue Op ALUMINIUM sorties to the Baltics and Poland from the UK.
The first week of October saw the Squadron host a STORM SHADOW (deep strike Air Launched Cruise Missile) Command Staff Visit and Standards and Evaluation (STANEVAL) Assurance Visit testing the Squadron’s Multi-Role Warfighting capability.
In October II(AC) Squadron assumed the Very High Readiness role on behalf of the RAF’s Combat Air Force.
RED FLAG 23-1 (Jan 23)
2023 will begin with II(AC) Squadron taking part in Ex RED FLAG 23-1 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The largest Air Exercise in the world, RED FLAG simulates the first 3 weeks of a peer warfighting environment to offer the most realistic air-combat training available. The team will face modern integrated Ground-Based Air Defence systems, aggressor aircraft that will simulate a peer adversary, and cyber and space-based threats, integrating with LAND and MARITIME assets to achieve combat missions working with Australian and US allies.
A frenetic 12 months has seen II(AC) Squadron at the forefront of UK, coalition and NATO operations and working at the vanguard of emerging tactical development. 2023 will maintain the pace, without doubt, but the Squadron looks forward to an opportunity during summer 2023 to reacquaint itself with old Regimental friends and colleagues and to forging new links.

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