Page 3 - 2002 AMA Summer
P. 3

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foreword bytheViceChairmanMajorCathDavies Appointments
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As a slight departure from tradition, I have been asked to write the foreword for this, another excellent edition of our journal, in order to explain to members some key developments in how the AMA plans to do business in the future. These changes are designed to ensure maximum effectiveness in the delivery of sen/ices to members and maximum support in achieving their aspirations.
AMA fnpedition Radio Set for Hire
Volcanic Venture JheMatterhorninaWeekend ConstructiveCriticism, Assumptionor Ignorance?
TheOMCandfntre Prises festival ot Climbing Ho2 Cully-March 1903
leppelin ■An Adventurous Sport Route lettertothefditor
Ice Monkey 02 AMAClimbersinAction AMAfasterMeet Aoraki
The Alps Are Hot Just for Officers CerroAconcagua
A Mountaineer’s Mating Calendar Why Ski Mountaineer?
Currently we use part of the membership fee to give grants to individuals and support to AMA events such as meets and overseas training activities. The aim of this has always been to encourage AMA members to achieve challenging mountaineering and climbing objectives. However, one area in which we seem to be weak is high altitude mountaineering; despite being by far the largest Service mountaineering club, our representation on Joint Sen/ice expeditions has been low. To address this, the Committee has developed an AMA Mountaineering Plan. The Plan aims not only to offer progressive development opportunities in a number of mountain disciplines, but will enable us to focus our efforts on a key event each year, advising and supporting the leader of the expedition. This should enable more challenging objectives to be tackled. Amongst these would be some high altitude expeditions, giving AMA members the opportunity to gain the relevant experience necessary to qualify for Joint Service expeditions. However, we realise that many members may have other aspirations, and challenging rock climbing and alpine expeditions will be supported too.
The plan will look ten years ahead, allowing us to budget for annual meets such as JSAM, the AGM, HOT ROCK and ICE MONKEY as well as focus on a key AMA expedition each year. Committee members will all have clearly defined tasks in support of the Plan, enabling concentration of effort to achieve the aim. We are looking to finalise the Plan for presenta­ tion at the AGM, so if any member wishes to nominate themselves to lead an AMA expedition in the next decade, now is the time to do it! Seriously, if you have a challenging project that is too big for a unit or group of friends trip but would be achievable with committee support and advice, not to mention guaranteed funding, get in touch with me(my contact details are on the appointments page), or any Committee member.
The second area of improvement is the provision of membership support through the post of Membership Secretary. We have now put this on a formal footing by employing someone part time at Indefatigable to look after purely AMA business. This should ensure forms are processed swiftly and members' queries can be dealt with efficiently. The telephone number remains the same, 9-5581 7964 or 01248 715635 and the Membership Secretary, Sue Hughes, can also supply you with contact details for Committee members.
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OntheCover: JonyRedfernonthe12eliminatoratthis years climbingcompetition.
this edition was edited by Steve and Amy Willson.
© Copyright Any opinions expressed in the articles in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise of the MOD, Army or Association.No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the editor or pubOsher. No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in this magazine can be accepted by the editor, publishers, Association, Army, MOD or printers and all advertisements are included in good faith.
The Army Mountaineer is published for The Army Mountaineering Association by Crest Publications, 20 Moulton Business Park, Scirocco Close, Northampton. NN3 6AP Tel: 01604 495495 - Fax: 01604 495990 - Email:
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