Page 14 - Thrapston Life July 2024
P. 14

Royal British Legion remembering how it was...
At the 13th May Branch meeting, those present debated the number of meetings needed to ensure the branch abides by the Rules and Royal Charter of the Royal British Legion.
Four formal meetings to transact the business of the branch are required and it was felt that
in this era of instant communication by email, text and mobile phone we do not really need to hold a meeting every month coupled
planning), plus the two meetings in July and December at Hermitage House. All meetings will take place on the 2nd Monday of the Month as now with our ‘formal’ meetings starting at 7.30pm in the boardroom of the Plaza and
our meetings at Hermitage House to run from 7-8pm on meeting nights.
Events for the rest of the year: Poppy Bingo
  with our quite lively social calendar. We are very pro-active in keeping
the name of the Royal British Legion
in Thrapston in the public eye. The branch has also been invited to hold meetings at The Hermitage House Care Home, Kingfisher Road, Thrapston.
it is worth remembering the above is what the site looked like in May 2014
26th October TBC, another Race Night 23rd November at IWMC, Skittles Night TBC, Music Night at the Thrapston Sports Association TBC
From the archive
As we commemorate the events of D Day 1944 at the War Memorial it is worth remembering that this is what the site looked like in May 2014. The
It was suggested that we hold two ‘comradeship’ meetings there on an
annual basis in July and December, this is another plank of RBL membership. The home has several veteran residents and it was hoped this could be a way of getting other veterans in the town to interact with the RBL in a non- formal setting. It was agreed unanimously that we resolve to hold the four ‘formal’ meetings
a year in February (Event planning), May (Charter Fair planning), September (Poppy Appeal planning) November (AGM and event
‘New’ memorial will only be ten years old on November 9th 2024, it was the fund- raising ability of this Branch and the support of the Town Council that made the current memorial a reality.
    Branch contacts: Mobile: 07876 716478

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