Page 18 - Thrapston Life July 2024
P. 18

Barnwell Country Park
  We have lift off! After months of planning and consultations the play area is beginning to take shape with a coco wave swing, bug magnifier, sense totems and a sensory dome being added to what already exists here at Barnwell. All being well it will be ready in time for the summer holidays, so watch this space!
As well as organising the new play area, we have also had the tree surgeons in to pollard five of the willow trees on North Lake. Pollarding
is a method of tree management that
keeps the tree smaller than it would
naturally grow. It may currently look
like the trees have been attacked! But
they will grow new shoots and provide
a younger, healthier habitat for insects, mammals and birds.
In May, Barnwell played host to a Creative Oundle open air theatre event called A Comedy of Errors, performed by the travelling company: The Handlebards. Approximately 150 people attended, and we hope to support more events like this in the future.
We are looking forward to the summer and hopefully bright, warm, sunny days which will attract people to spend time in the park with friends and family. As rangers we really do like
   Unfortunately, Cuthbert seems to
have moved away from the park in
recent months, either to find a mate
or just to find new pasture. We wish him all the best and hope he makes his way back to us soon, as he was a favourite with our visitors. On a more positive note, we have seen many ducklings, goslings and cygnets being born – albeit not as many as last year. They have not all survived unfortunately, due to predation from species such as Pike, Esox lucius. This is a natural trait with wildlife and why wildfowl and many birds have multiple eggs so that it increases the chances of offspring surviving.
we have seen many ducklings, goslings and cygnets being born
seeing the park busy, however please remember that picnics are a yes, but BBQs are banned, and please take all of your rubbish home with you.
We wait with anticipation to see what Barnwell has to offer with butterflies, lizards and more still to make a return in the summer months. If you are wanting to get out and enjoy the countryside, then our brilliant
education rangers run Weekly Wednesday Wellbeing Walks. If this is something you would like to join in with then come along every Wednesday at 1pm, outside the Kingfisher Café.
    If you would like to get involved at Barnwell or know someone who does, then please email: barnwellcountrypark.NCC@
Liam Claris - Barnwell Country Park Ranger

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