Page 33 - Julie Thorley Nine Lives book
P. 33

The Practical Samaritan
whose body is being eased on to a stretcher. Someone mentions pain relief, and this is followed by a wave of softness washing over me. The stretcher becomes a trolley and I rise up as I’m wheeled towards the ambulance. Faces come and go in front of me.
Someone is holding my hand and I hear Ruth again, but can’t see her. ‘Gary, when you get to the hospital ask them to ring your mum. She’ll want to know. And when you come out, remember, look forwards.’
I’m woozy now but manage to say, ‘Tell the driver I’m sorry. It was an accident. Not her fault.’ Then I’m in the ambulance and on my way.
Years later, I’m telling this story to a desperate friend. He is cynical. ‘So, this random woman who saved you, this guardian angel: did you keep in touch?’
I smile. No, I say, I never saw her again. ***

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