Page 25 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 25

                                 The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 ners at all hours under the direction of Capt Wreathall and ASM Crampton. Sgt Cox and his team were invaluable to A Sqn on the ground, replacing engine snake belts using a weapons sling to allow a vehi- cle to move and link up in the dark before a permanent repair could be completed and using a coke can to achieve an airtight seal on the top of a Jerry can to bypass a failed fuel pump allowing a vehicle to continue until last light. The most significant single repair was the removal of a complete wheel station on a six wheeled Coyote vehicle so that a part could be replaced on another wheel.
The team HQ team did a sterling job from start to finish and looking back on it all the team achieved something quite remark- able. Setting up a brand new Operation that requires thousands of bits of equip- ment, vehicles and infrastructure was no light feat. On top of that, then facilitating the longest-range operations since WWII as the BG conducted multiple operations for 28 days as well over 100km range from the HQ. It really is something the team back home and in Mali should be incred- ibly proud of.
As quick as it all started, June was upon us and it was time to go home. The NSE suc- cessfully handed over Camp Bagnold while concurrently the ROG prepared to wel- come back the returning troops. A short
period of tea and medals ensued before the Squadron dispersed for the summer. The ROG would continue to hold the fort until late August when the regiment reformed for the first time in almost two years after some well-deserved leave.
August and September saw a chang- ing of the guard as Major Stott handed over HQ Sqn to Maj Thirlaway and SSM Bowman handed the reigns to WO2 Martin before seeking greener pastures as the MTWO.
The Squadron then deployed to Castlemartin in early November to sup- port regimental ranges. Capt O’Connor and SSgt Perryman led the charge to get the sabre squadrons in fine fighting order in preparation for deployment on Ex Wessex Storm 2022 and the coming years R3 readiness.
Ranges closed out after the Squadron conducted its Remembrance Day parade against the backdrop of Pembroke Castle having received a warm welcome from Pembrokeshire Council and all the locals.
As the Christmas period raced toward us, HQ Squadron was still running hot. The QM (T) Capt Bell steered the squad- ron towards the upcoming LSA&I. Concurrently the bottom floor of RHQ was constantly filled with the sound of blazing
keyboards while Capt McIntyre and the RAO dept successfully completed the G1 Audit.
The festive period brought highs and lows. HQ Sqn capped off the year by winning the POW cup in a sterling display of com- bined skill and athleticism much to the surprise of all those at regimental duty and the year was closed with HQ Sqn saying goodbye to some of our most valued mem- bers. Maj Stott would move on to his new post in Edinburgh, while Maj Davidson and Capt Buchan would both make the transition into civilian life. We wish them and their families the very best of luck for the future and thank them for their hard work and commitment to the Squadron. It has ultimately been another extremely busy year throughout. The hard work and patience of all those in HQ Sqn and their families have allowed us to achieve this and with such success and panache. 2022 will no doubt bring plenty more fresh chal- lenges as the regiment deploys to Poland and Oman amongst a whole host of other places.

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