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                                The Light Dragoon
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
Vol. 8 No. 1 2022 Catterick Garrison
Editor: Major WRV Davies Assistant Editor: Lt WG McDonald
  Midyear 2021-2022 was another packed year for the Light Dragoons, involv- ing an operational tour, battlegroup valida- tion exercise, range packages, and interna- tional AT opportunities to name just a few. Of course, smaller teams and individu- als have been representing the regiment all over the world, namely on courses or involved in STTTs.
The year was, as always and rightly so, interspersed with regular sporting suc- cess. The Light Dragoons were named UK North Athletics champions, Army sprint triathlon champions, Bismarck Challenge winners, RAC boxing champions, and to continue would be to gloat... More gen- erally though, Lt Col Harris reinforced his commitment to regimental sport and emphasised its place and importance in our Wednesday afternoons. To that end, every- one in the regiment has been involved in one of the ‘big 5’ – rugby, football, cross- country, boxing, and British Army warrior fitness – enjoying the fun, team cohesion and friendly competition that comes from throwing oneself into sport.
To turn to the year in detail, June saw the Op Newcombe team return from Mali, having been selected as the first rotation of light cavalry in the MINUSMA peacekeep- ing mission, in conjunction with the Royal
Editorial ................................................................................. 2 Foreword by the Colonel of the Regiment.......................... 4 Foreword by Colonel Commandant .................................... 5 Introduction by the Commanding Officer.......................... 6 Assaye ..................................................................................... 7 Regimental Notes... from the Adjutant ............................. 8 Obituary – Tpr Daniel Lee .................................................. 9 A Squadron – The Empire ................................................. 11 B Squadron .......................................................................... 14 C Squadron .......................................................................... 17 HQ Squadron....................................................................... 22 Light Aid Detachment ....................................................... 24 Command Troop.................................................................. 26 RAO ...................................................................................... 27 Quartermaster’s Department ............................................. 29 Quartermaster Technical’s Department............................ 29 Regimental Welfare Office.................................................. 30 Training Wing ..................................................................... 31 MT Department .................................................................. 31 Op Newcombe 2021 ............................................................ 32 Chaplain’s Notes: Pure Gift ............................................... 33 Gym ...................................................................................... 34 Regimental Career Management Officer .......................... 35 Catering Department .......................................................... 36
Operations and Exercises ................................................. 38
Ops Overview 2021 ............................................................. 38 AWE 21: Challengers and Cheeseburgers......................... 42 Op Newcombe CH47 Force Protection............................. 43 BATUK Force Protection Platoon.................................... 46 Ex Askari Storm Support ................................................... 49 Steel Dragoon 21 ................................................................. 51 Platoon Sergeants Battle Course (PSBC) Tactics 2102 ... 52 Jungle Warfare Instructors Course .................................... 53 Flora and Fauna of Mali ..................................................... 54
Anglians. The troops proudly received their UN medals on parade in September.
Summer 2021 started to resemble more of a ‘normal’ summer after 2 years’ worth of interrupted fun due to Covid-19. Many troops got out on AT trips, from sailing in Isle of Wight, to C Squadron able to go as an entire squadron to the Lake District for a week. Other activities in this time included squadron-level exercises and MACA tasks, which saw teams from the Light Dragoons deploying across the UK to collect data from Afghan refugees on behalf of the Home Office
November involved a three-week regimen- tal range package in Castle Martin and of course preparations for Remembrance Day. The regiment marked Remembrance this year with the honour of marching through Pembroke to pay our respects to the fallen. The year was closed with the regiment celebrating the festive period. It was fantastic to see the respective messes able to celebrate Christmas together – with family and without restrictions – and reflect on another jam-packed year.
2022 thus far has brought Exercise Wessex Storm which saw the regiment validate at the earliest opportunity and finish with
Op CUSTOM-HOUSE....................................................... 56 British Liaison Officer Oman ............................................ 56 Knoydart Dragoon.............................................................. 58 Light Dragoon Snipers....................................................... 60 Ex ULTIMATE SNIPER................................................... 62
Regimental Sport ............................................................... 64
Exercise Northern Elephants Rumble .............................. 64 C Sqn AT.............................................................................. 66 Officers Mess Fieldsports ................................................... 68 Army Angling Federation Coarse Fishing ....................... 69 The UK Challenge .............................................................. 70 Light Dragoons Triathlon .................................................. 71 Bismarck Challenge 2021 ................................................... 72 Golf ....................................................................................... 74 Football ................................................................................ 74 Sailing................................................................................... 75 Rugby ................................................................................... 76 Boxing .................................................................................. 77 Ex WHITE KNIGHT 37 ................................................... 78 Nordic Skiing ...................................................................... 80
The Messes.........................................................................84
Officers’ Mess ...................................................................... 84 Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess.............................. 86 Corporals’ Mess ................................................................... 87
Charity ................................................................................. 88
Race the World .................................................................... 88 Sgt Cribbin Ultra Marathon............................................... 89 The Queen’s Own Yeomanry 2021 .................................... 90
ERE ...................................................................................... 91
Sandhurst Platoon Commander ........................................ 91 Blue Peter............................................................................. 92 A year at the Combat Ready Training Centre................... 93 CoS, General Staff Centre................................................... 94 Marne Company.................................................................. 95 QM, The Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry.................. 96
very high praise from both the Brigade and Divisional commanders.
As the end of April now approaches, the regiment turns its focus to its readiness to ensure we can deploy at very short notice anywhere in the world. We again have a global reach with deployments in Poland, Oman, and rotation 6 in Mali. A busy year past and a busy year ahead proves that the Light Dragoons really are enjoying an active period, amongst the first to be called upon when a task needs completing suc- cessfully and in style.
The compilation of this year’s journal has not been a one person show. Thanks must go to all those who contributed with articles and photographs, the honest and candid articles paint an important picture for those outside the immediate serving regiment and I have no doubt it is reas- suring for them to hear the regiment is going strong. Home headquarters have provided indispensable advice and guid- ance to ensure the best possible journal has been produced, without the support from Mel and his team the whole process would be far more laborious. Finally, thanks go to Lt McDonald as assistance editor and Lt Digby for proof reading into the early hours, an unenviable task!
4X Liaison Officer, British Embassy, Cairo...................... 97
Valete.................................................................................... 99
Remembrance Day Parade ............................................... 104
Association........................................................................ 106
Home Headquarters and
Regimental Association News.......................................... 106 The Light Dragoons’ Charitable Trust ........................... 107 Cavalry Memorial Parade Hyde Park 2021..................... 108 Notices................................................................................ 108 Field of Remembrance 2021............................................. 108 Officers’ Dinner................................................................. 109 Museum.............................................................................. 110 Southern Branch ............................................................... 111 Barnsley Branch ............................................................... 112 North East Branch ............................................................ 113 North West Branch ........................................................... 114 Association Golf ............................................................... 115
Historical........................................................................... 116
David Evans....................................................................... 116 Thousands of miles to Freedom ...................................... 117 A 13th Light Dragoon survivor of the Charge of the Light Brigade remembered......................................................... 119 Royal Hospital Chelsea 2021............................................ 120 Obituaries 13/18H ............................................................. 121 Obituaries 15/19H ............................................................. 126 Obituaries LD ................................................................... 130
Regimental Gazette ......................................................... 131 Officers at ERE.................................................................134 Soldiers at ERE ................................................................ 135 Marriages .........................................................................136 Births ................................................................................. 136

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