Page 51 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 51
In early 2021, a small team from the LDs were tasked to provide a team of temporary staff to assist in the running of Ex Askari Storm, providing G4 support to BATUK and their Locally Employed Civilians to facilitate the exercise for 2 Mercian. Details were sparse, but assured of a buckshee tasking, a team of 10 from across the regiment set off to Brize in the hope of a solid OP Bronze, some LSA and a Safari. On arrival in Kenya after many a swab up the nose, hopes were soon dashed by an outbreak of the dreaded Covid.
This lead to a swift crushing of hopes and dreams as the intrepid LDs were con- fined to a hut in the infamous “Tin City” or “Tinschwitz” for a grand total of 29 days. With the cookhouse switched off and rations supplied via dead letterbox at the front door, maintaining morale soon became the name of the game.
Fortunately, Cpl Rodgers and LCpl Howlett entertained our fellow prisoners with their chimp like manscaping sessions, sparking shouting matches between the
troops on the fenceline, and competition for the crown of “most bogging trotters”, a title hotly contested between Cpl “toe jam” Holmes and Tpr “Jenny bogtrotter” McGill. Cpl McDonnells attempt at rep- resenting The Legion in Op Bronze also provided much entertainment as he spent more time looking like a drumstick than a bronzed god. An honourable mention is also due to the QDG Force Protection pla- toon, who at great personal risk, delivered pizza over the fence thanks to their Tp Ldrs fond memories of his Signals Course
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
Ex Askari Storm Support
Tpr Handley feeds the engineers
Elephant valley