Page 86 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 86

                                In tune with the rest of the country, the Officers’ Mess in the last year has been a tale of two halves. Moving from COVID outbreaks and lockdowns in the first half of the year to quickly returning to normal in the latter half. The lockdown, whilst chal- lenging, was not all doom and gloom, with the ‘livers in’ certainly making the most out of often having the Mess to themselves.
The end of restrictions saw the return of guests back into the Mess, something that has been well utilised, hosting individual speakers, tech gurus, friends, other offic- ers’ messes, and of course the Sgts’ Mess. It has also seen the return of the basic mess functions, not least Tea and Toast, once again providing an amphitheatre for the LEs to grill yet another young 2Lt as they enter the anteroom for the first time. Buoyed by the return of all Sqns and RHQ from Operations, the mess has been well manned for the first time in a while. All in all, a welcome return to the many tradi- tions held within the Mess. We look for- ward to making the most of this in 2022 before again hitting a period of exercises and operations as we move into the latter part of the year and into the next.
Whilst a hugely difficult time for so many, the strict COVID restrictions in place at the beginning of 2021 highlighted again just how incredibly lucky we are to live and work in the environment that we do. For all those living in the Mess, this was indeed a very happy time as they became a single COVID bubble and the long-stand- ing sense of togetherness within the Mess became even stronger. When in January COVID broke out within the Mess, the subalterns were confined to the top floor of the Mess for 14 days. The order came down from the ROG Adjutant that ‘no officers should be seen outside of the Mess’, an all too easy order for new 2Lts Elkington and Griffiths. The subalterns reached new levels of ingenuity in creating COVID friendly entertainment to keep themselves occupied. The highlight being a Saturday night of golf (or a variation of...) around the top floor. The restrictions of travel have also led to further adventure into the sur-
The first mess part since the pandemic
rounding area. Mess members have redis- covered the joys of Yorkshire, substituting a weekend strutting through SW3 for all the incredible walking, cycling, swimming and pub spots Yorkshire has to offer.
As we moved towards the summer and restrictions eased, life within the Mess began to return to normal. In June, RHQ and A Sqn returned, and for the first time in what has felt like an age, the whole Officers Mess was back together. Unfortunately, the delay of ‘Freedom Day’ by the Prime Minister meant the planned celebrations had to be slightly tapered. This meant the cancelling of the summer ball. However, plans for the 2022 Summer Ball are already underway and under Capt Montgomery-Stuart, it promises to make up for the loss of last year’s ball.
Despite the restrictions we have still been able to say goodbye to members of the Mess as they have moved on in their lives and careers. Firstly, we said good- bye to our Commanding Officer, Lt Col Tom Robinson as he embarks on the next stage of his career. As per tradition, he
Lt Doggart puts in a rare appearance in the mess
was towed out of camp on a Jackal by the Officer’s Mess before being formally dined out. We also said goodbye to Capt Buchan, who has started the next chapter in his life outside the Army. However, not before he immortalised himself in the history books by being the first LE to get the Mess tat- too. Capt Bell had stated he is keen to fol- low suit, however time is ticking before he also prepares to depart for Norfolk. Other departures in the raft of HOTOs that came following Op Newcombe included: Maj Dan Lenherr, who moves to down to Shrivenham to bring on the next bunch of thrusting Majors at ICSC(L); Maj Johnny Black, who has moved his clan to Milan; Maj Colin Davidson, who has served his time and deserves a well-earned break from the military; Maj Si Stott, who left for a more relaxed time with the SNIY; Capt Max Barber, who moves to his next, permanent posting in the city; Capt Doug Graham QRH, whose transfer papers are yet to be received; Capt Paddy Bernard, who we can now blame for the future poor standard of inflow of 2Lts joining the mess from RMAS; Capt Sam Davies, who apparently has a ‘job’ making films in
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 The Messes Officers’ Mess
       The mess Christmas party

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