Page 24 - Oundle Life June 2023
P. 24

Fletton Field Association
 The Fletton Field Association, in collaboration with Oundle Town Council, are hosting the Oundle Community Summer Fete on Fletton Field on Saturday 8th July from 2pm – 6pm.
It will be a fun-filled afternoon with music, games, beer, Pimms, food, tea and cakes, craft stalls, a fun dog show and all our local emergency services (hopefully we won’t be needing them!) present to meet the general public. Lots of local sports clubs will
be there too. We will also have our
Summer Fete Draw to hopefully raise
funds to help develop the field. If you
are a local community group and
would like to get involved, please let us
know and we will do our best to see if we can accommodate you.
This is the sort of event that we would love to see more of on the field. However, putting events on takes a lot of time, commitment and energy from our team. If others would like to use the field, for example for a summer barbeque for your community group, that is what this space is there for, your town green space for your usage. Contact flettonfield@ and we will advise and put you in contact with the right people.
The process of making the formal transfer of Fletton Field continues. We are currently
waiting for legal confirmation of the rights of way onto the field. At the recent Oundle Town meeting we thanked Councillor Helen Harrison, Jason Smithers and Charlie Best for their ongoing support. Helen Harrison reaffirmed
the NNC executives’ commitment to ensure the
  We hope to
see you on the field soon
process is completed to make the field our green space in perpetuity.
At the town meeting we presented our phase 1 development plan for the field that will include such things as benches, wildflower patches, a
 community orchard, dog poo bins and a couple of cycle racks. We hope to be given the go ahead to start work soon.
We hope to see you on the field soon, either walking your dog, having a picnic or enjoying the Summer Fete.
   All of these things take resources and time so if you would like to get involved please contact us on or sign up as a Friend on our website.
If you would like to know more, please look at

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