Page 18 - 2007 AMA Summer
P. 18

llie and Sven sat by the fire of a local hostelry drinking mead and
The next morning sees Ollie and Sven heading off early to catch the conditions on their new objective! Its not long before Sven is composing himself after taking a fall, with long run out and questionable gear and is having to pick himself up, now determined to at least go for the red point, only to once again find him- self flying through the air with feet above his head squealing like a girl. This however is not Savage Slit but a bold, daring, near death experience called skipping across the stepping- stones on the route in. Finally through combined tactics
(Ollie pulling him out of the water) he manages the presti- gious first ascent of a new six inch eliminate now known as Cold Dunking, a route set to be equally as famous as any Dave McCloud dry tooling epic, thanks to Ollie’s mouth and the comic nature of the fall, guaranteed to be dis- cussed with ever increasing volume and hand gestures and almost certainly coming
to a pub near you!
Days later sees Ollie with cabin fever having missed the cold early climbing hours because of a hangover and
Svenners desperate not to spent another night in a room with a particularly flatulent girl. ‘It’s new years eve Ollie.’ ‘I know you Muppet, I’m try- ing to sleep.’ ‘Fancy a climb?’ ‘Now?’ ‘At night? See the New Year in? ‘Oh Yeah!’
Sat in the empty ski centre car park, in the sudden quiet after the engine dies I ask my fellow lunatic, ‘Do you think
we would be doing this if we
actually had girlfriends?’ The question did not require an answer and we both hopped out into the bitter cold and clear moonlight.
1Picture a man going on ajourney, he has left the boundaries ofreality andtravelledacrossspaceandtimetoentertherealm oftheWinter Mountaineering Zone!’
laughing as the banter increases in both venom and volume; ‘You know what we should do tomorrow Ollie?’ ‘What’s that numb-nuts?’ Savage Slit declares Sven’ Get your head down Svenners its V,6 you’ll pop a hip and anyway that’ll never be in!’ ‘He who dares’ comes the reply along with a wry grin and subtle wink. Ollie mutters several expletives under his breath and trots off in the direction of the gents avoid­ ing yet another round.
Topping out in the Northern Comes.

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