Page 120 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 120

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Future Items:
Waterloo Exhibition (Updating of Cases)
The present Waterloo collection in the museum is in the process of being updated and new artefacts are being put on show. Incorporated into this exhi- bition will also be the way the Regiment continues to remember the Battle of Waterloo, and the yearly dinner and how it has changed and been celebrated over the years.
Chronology of Regimental Helmets Exhibition
We are updating our helmet exhibi- tion and showing the chronology of the helmets worn by the Regiment(s) through the ages.
Queen’s Bays at Nery 1914 Exhibition
This exhibition was set up to commem- orate the Affair in Nery and the Bays involvement in this very important Battle to halt the German advance in the early stages of the war in 1914.
Franz Josef Exhibition
The museum has received a large Franz Joseph bust, which is to be the centre of an exhibition focusing on the Austrian link.
History of Lucknow
Hannah has received a publishing contract from Pen & Sword for a book on the Queen’s Bays in India, 1857-59. The manuscript is to be finished in 2023, for publication in 2024.
Floor Supervisor Iain Fife mid-talk
    We were privileged to host the RCDS for their third annual visit to the museum

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