Page 123 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 121
  Ian Frazer died on Friday 10th June 2022, aged 89. Since leaving the Regiment after National Service he devoted enormous amount of his time in looking after the welfare and well- being of the Association and its members; all this despite his onerous responsibilities as a Chartered Accountant in the City. His unceasing loyalty and commitment were of inestimable value to the Regimental Family, he being the key figure in nearly all financial and associated matters.
After Framlingham College and qual-
ifying as a Chartered Accountant Ian
attended Mons OCS before joining The
Queen’s Bays in Sabratha in 1956. He was a
troop leader in A Squadron and then MTO. After National Service he joined The Army Emergency Reserve retiring in 1965. On the amalgamation he and Ben Hutchings (KDG) merged the KDG and Bays Charitable Funds and both, with Jeremy Stephens (Bays), drew up the Regi- mental Trust deeds. It was a masterly document bringing about a widespread charter in the way funds could be used. He was the Administrator of the Draffen Harman Trust (1968-83), Trustee of the Regimental Trust (1977- 2014) and Trustee of the Regimental Museum (1973-2014). All told his wise advice and counsel were regularly called upon – perhaps on occasions cautious and rightly princi- pled but this ensured monies were distributed within the rules and without compromising the trustees.
Ian became a partner at Frazer Whiting and Co in 1957 and then a senior partner 1973-86 and at Littlejohn Frazer 1986-2014. He was mainly responsible for audit, corpo- rate advice, personal taxation and trusts. He retired in 2014 after 60 years with this firm.
Ian was a pillar of the Cavalry and Guards Club since joining in 1957 and he was elected in 1975 as a member of the committee serving nearly 30 years until his appointment as a trustee in 2003. He advised successive chairmen on financial matters and strategies, and he was the financial expert behind the club’s major projects which included the purchase of
the Club’s freehold, the organisation of the Capital and Debenture schemes and the formation of 127 Picca- dilly plc (the Club’s own company). For his outstanding service he was made an Honorary Member in 2007.
He was a Governor of both St Mary’s Wantage and of Morpeth Schools, Tower Hamlets from 1967-2011. He was Treasurer of both the Chelsea Society (1988-2003) and of the Chelsea Festival (1993-2004.) Despite deteriorating health Ian showed tremendous resolve in continuing as a Regimental Trustee for a while and attending Cavalry Memorial weekends.
Ian married Priscilla Daniell in 1964 and we extend our
Lieutenant I W Frazer
 heartfelt sympathy to her and their family.
Maj I S Hodgson J N Elliott
T M Pearson
B W Heal
Sir A Buchan-Hepburn J Hopkins
N Ratcliffe
D J Moore
B W Telfer
S C Edworthy
G R Jordan
P B Blackwell
I W Frazer
Lt Col A Gordon-Hall I L Walters
P Thompson
D Scouler
D Williams
J H Nunn
M H Bristow
1948 - 1983
1952 - 1954 1958 - 1992 1953 – 1956 1973 – 1993 1972 – 1995 1961 - 1967 1975 – 1990 1967 - 1980 1957 - 1972 1948 - 1960 1956 - 1957 1952 - 1983 1956 - 1965 1975 - 1997 1946 – 1968 1951 – 1953
1969 - 1981
Dec’d Age
Nov 21
Jan 22 88 Feb 22 84 Feb 22 90 Feb 22 65 Feb 22 76 Feb 22 78 Feb 22 64 Mar 22 72 Mar 22 83 May 22 94 June 22 89 June 22 90 June 22 83 Aug 22 68 Oct 22 94 Oct 22 89 Nov 22 80 Dec 22 78
Sadly, the following deaths were notified to the Regimental Secretary throughout 2022.

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