Page 27 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 27

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 25
  to public facing tasks from experiences in the summer. It would be wrong to say a “highlight” but it was a memo- rable honour and privilege being formed up next to the Mall and
onto Salisbury Plain Training Area and conduct low level reconnaissance skills. Exercises like this are crucial to remain current and competent in our war
arrived soldiers. This is especially impor- tant given the fact that a lot of the basic training had been disrupted during lock- downs etc. The Squadron finished the training year conducting some urban training in Corsham Mines. This is a unique training opportunity and was a great way to lead into the festive period.
The Squadron now looks towards 2023 where we will start the year with an overseas training exercise in Kuwait – Ex DESERT WARRIOR – which will give us a chance to work alongside a partner nation, conduct counter recce training and also set up strategic level engage- ment opportunities through our tactical actions. It’s been an excellent year for B Sqn and we look set to meet the chal- lenges and opportunities of 2023 with relish!
watching the funeral proces- sion pass. Another would be being formed up for the national two minutes of silence outside our tempo- rary base, in front of the public and then being loudly applauded for our effort, along with cheers of “God save the king!”.
It is always great to exercise on Salisbury Plain
fighting capability, the utility of practicing low level skills cannot be underestimated. It also afforded the Squadron a great opportunity to deploy in its new orbat and test the new troop constructs. It is always great to exercise on Salisbury Plain, and for the Crew Commanders serves to remind us all of earlier times in our careers. After this B Sqn was responsible for an iteration of the PNCO
Upon returning to Norfolk
the Squadron embarked
upon a very busy two months
of Basic Combat Skills exercises and Regimental level cadres. We conducted Ex BRAVO FIND which saw us deploy
Cadre and also the Recce Cadre – this was the first of its kind and designed at generating a level of parity for newly
    Computer says no!     Corsham Mines...
... a safe operating environment!
If I squint I can see Norwich play from here!

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