Page 50 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 48 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess
    It was a quiet start to 2022 for the Warrant Officers and Sergeants’ Mess due to the ongoing deployment of OP NEWCOMBE 3 and operational leave. Although a large proportion of the mess had been committed and absent, in no way did it affect the culture, comradery and commitment of the Mess to plan and deliver some great activity. We intended to take full advantage of the considerable Mess funds which had accumulated over the period of Covid 19 and we aimed to go a full year of functions
ence of our professional and Mess lives. The morning consisted of clay pigeon shooting, pistol and rifle shooting, and capability stands. The bar was open after lunch and we had the premier league football on during the afternoon, before the main event which was the formal dinner night. It was fantastic to be able to give something back to those who do so much for us, hosting our friends, family and share the Mess experience with them.
 with no additional billing. This early part of 2022 saw the birth of ‘Tuesday Club’ by founding members Sgt David ‘Any Pocket’ Watson, SSgt Michael ‘No Hangover’ Emmings and SSgt Nick ‘Mess Champion’ Wright (PEC). A regular weekly meeting of like-minded indi- viduals who would discuss current affairs, politics and more importantly to find out
The dinner night lasted until the sun came up
The following week saw the Mess dine out Capt Homer, Capt Thomas, Capt Davies and WO1 Watson. This was long overdue and the right thing to do to celebrate their incredibly successful careers and send them off on their new ones ‘up the top.’ Hearing the tales of their highs and lows was a privilege in the brilliantly delivered readings by WO2 Ross Hopkins, WO2 Rhys
who could drink the most coke zero, and to discover who the best pool and darts players were. This club sought to maintain morale of the Mess and think up good ideas for the busy forecast ahead. The return of the OP NEWCOMBE 3 troops were eagerly anticipated and the first item on the calendar once the Mess was reunited was a BBQ in the garden. We fortunately had good summer weather and it was great to see the Mess alto- gether again. This was greatly needed to share the experiences of Mali (and the pain of the Rear Operations Group). That evening, dits were spun and by the end of the night everyone had heard about Sgt Jonny Canning’s weight loss of over 30kg! – We still don’t believe him!
Next was the eagerly anticipated Waterloo 207 commemoration. Unfortu- nately, both the cricket and rugby trophies were claimed by the Officers’ Mess. The experience of the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess could not overcome the youth of the Officers’ Mess, not even with SSgt Davies 220’s dodgy referee watch. In the evening, to welcome the Officers’ Mess and hear the story of the battle again over a fantastic meal and a plentiful flow of wine was brilliant. The dinner night lasted until the sun came up. We had been without a proper Waterloo for 3 years due to Covid 19 and it was a truly memorable event.
After another period of well-earned summer leave for all, we were again into another busy period of functions. We hosted another Generations Weekend, which was an opportunity for friends and family to get an intimate experi-
Davies, WO2 Tom Hamilton and SSgt Joe Ewbank despite some of their best efforts to keep us on the table past midnight!
With the year drawing to a close we still had the Christmas period to celebrate. The Christmas function was arguably the best ever, with décor and entertain- ment fit for a wedding. It was great to see so many partners attend, this was our chance to host them in splendour and thank them for all their support in 2022.
We can only hope that 2023 brings us as much opportunity as 2022 to get together and celebrate our rich history and prepare ourselves for our future endeavours. 2023 will be another busy operational year and there will no doubt be tribulations ahead. We know though that regardless of geographical location in the world, every member contributes to making the Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess the valuable institution that it is with their professionalism and commitment to their family, friends, and the Regiment.
Waterloo Rugby, another victory to the Officers
   Mess in Mali.

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