Page 61 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 61

Regimental Engagement Team
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 59
     Undoubtably having the Regimental Engagement Team (RET) has played a vital role in raising awareness and promulgating knowledge across the Principality. Changing the targeted audience’s perception on joining the regiment and subsequently helping gain Welsh soldiers into the recruiting pipeline has been great to see. At the point of writing this article, we have 47 soldiers in the pipeline, with 81% of them being from Wales and Border Counties. A massive increase on the statistics we were witnessing only two years ago. These statistics are not just a credit to the RET, but speak volumes of the buy in from all our instructors at Phase 1 and 2 Estab- lishments who all frequently converse in supporting the recruiting network.
Traditionally, the RET has continued to support and forge formidable relation- ships within 160 Brigade and Recruiting Group. This has helped us with many recruitment and engagement oppor- tunities across Wales and the Border Counties. Furthermore, with ourselves now being familiar faces in Wales, we have been put on a level playing field with the other Engagement Teams. Thus, helping us to increase distance we can throw our recruiting net and increase the numbers that we see coming through the gates at Robertson Bks.
In addition to working alongside local Schools and Colleges, the RET has produced admirable results when playing a key role in supporting multiple chari- ties on meaningful events, specifically: Dreams & Wishes, The Army benevo- lent fund and the Royal British Legion, to name but a few. Recently, the RET and ten soldiers from Regimental Duty have completed a surge across Wales. Facili- tating reinforcement to the Royal British Legion with raising money. Not only was it awe-inspiring to assist and support, but we were able to maximise the presence of the cap badge within the Principality. Staggeringly, we managed to raise over £20,000 which will go a long way to help service personnel and families in need.
Traditionally the RET has sustained its valued attendance alongside the
Tri-service poppy selling
    Collecting for the RBL
local Cadet Forces across Wales. The RET has played a key role in supporting and staging a realistic portrayal of Field Craft and displaying the skills of a Light Cavalry soldier. This was demon- strated in the Easter and Summer Camps conducted this year. The RET have attended various centres, keeping Cadets engaged working alongside the Regiment to task soldiers from the local regions. Whether it be Haverfordwest or Clwyd and Gwynedd up in North Wales, we are always greeted warmly and have a good time.
In July this year, the Mali home- coming parades took place. This saw the Regiment conduct freedom parades in several key cities in Wales. This allowed
the RET to conduct a three week “KAPE” tour with a Jackal around multiple loca- tions across Wales. The team were stretched, but it was great to add value and the planning for this started the day RHQ and A Sqn left camp.
This year unlike those previous has been largely COVID free. This has presented us with the ability to do more with less. With the statistics now in a good place and our activities well received all over Wales, we look forward to further demonstrating our ability to forge further relationships across the Principality. For everyone that has supported us in our endeavours, we thank you and we look forward to a very prosperous 2023.
    Visiting local attractions
LCpl Jones on display

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