Page 89 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 89

 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 87
   Army Headquarter:
The Land Operations Command and Directorate Futures
Ukrainians being trained in Urban Combat in the UK
    The Land Operations Command runs the Army’s trawls, so it is perhaps only right that Jackson and Carter should be submit- ting this journal entry 3 weeks late... Beside trawls however, our primary focus is to run the Army’s operations and so we find ourselves split across the two halves of the LOC: ‘Generate’ and ‘Operate.’
Carter is in the latter as SO3 Africa. In this role he supports all British Army activity in the continent, including Op PERCIVAL in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, several Projects in Ghana, Cameroon and Short-Term Training Teams across wider North and West Africa. So far, he has not managed to bluff any trips away ... a deeply average performance and a big ‘work on’ point for next year.
Meanwhile, Jackson ... well Jackson seems to bounce between jobs. Sitting in Generate, he is in such high demand that he has had three roles in almost as many months ... Officially slated as SO3 Training Cts, he moved straight to SO3B Ops Cts following the invasion of Ukraine. 5 months later he moved back to SO3 Training Commitments but now finds himself as SO3 G5 Campaign Plans. Yes, that’s right ... someone entrusted Jackson to plan our Opera- tional future. In this final role (we think), he finds himself spearheading the ‘Land
Campaign Directive.’
Elsewhere, we are joined in Army
Headquarters by a few familiar faces; specifically in Directorate Futures. This includes Lt Col Paddy Bond, who is currently working in FFD. We are told FFD is not “First Field Dressings”, but rather “Future Force Development”; an alto- gether more impressive title. The second,
is Maj James Curry who is working in MCP. He claims this stands for “Military Capability Plans”. In reality, he works for “Military Car Parks” as their chief atten- dant.
Should anyone find themselves at a loose end in Army HQ, please give us a
  CO gives the RSM a lesson on Admin

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