Page 10 - 2001 AMA Summer
P. 10

 Dusty Miller passing the top rope stance on the 100m ice fall.
NorwegianIceBy Sgt Daz Hall
January 2001 and 29 Cdo Regt RA set off for their usual winter deployment to Norway, with the usual exercise commitments and very large arctic warfare courses the opportunities to get
on some vertical ice seem small. It soon becomes clear that Sundays would be a stand down, and vehicles are requisitioned, equipment pooled and the locations off the abundant roadside
ice discussed.
The group consisting of Steve Willson, Dusty Miller, Dave Thatcher, Toby Maynard, Gus Swindlehurst, and myself, complete with hangovers, arrive on the first Sunday at some roadside seepage lines about 10m high for a bit of a warm up. Steve also gives some instruc­ tion to the lesser-experienced members. After a couple of hours we set off for the main event of the day, a 100m ice fall located a kilometre from the road, with a top rope set up for the less experienced under the instruction of Steve, I persuade Dusty that he's ready to second him up the fall, Dusty is on his first day ice climbing and foolishly agrees. Two 50m pitches of grade 4 ice follow with both climbers topping out in style followed by an unstylish descent.
The following Sunday finds us at a very steep and well-formed roadside waterfall about 25m high with routes up both sides graded 3/4. Another lead by me with Steve coming up behind enables top ropes to be set up, with lots of smaller routes to the left and right, a fine day is had. To cap it all a representative from the local tourist office turns up (with gorgeous blonde chick) and takes some photos which were published on the Narvik website.
Only Steve and I make it out for the final Sunday and make a mad dash climbing any roadside ice that is worth getting a rope out for with Steve leading a quality route in an old quarry.
As has been said many times in the past, with its low winter tempera­ tures and an abundance of easily accessible ice, Norway is a superb venue for bagging quality ice routes. So if you think you are missing out, feel free to get yourself on some Norwegian ice by passing the Cdo course and getting on a Norway deployment!
The Photo Competition this year will be held at the the AMA weekend and submit them on arrival. Entries AGM weekend during the 28 - 30th Sept. will then be on show throughout the weekend and then judged at the end of the boulder competition on Sunday. Photographic entries can either be sent to W02 (AQMS) The categories are Best Rock Climbing, Best Steve Willson OXFORD UOTC, Falklands House, Mountaineering and Best Black and White. There will
Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RX or you can bring them to be prizes for the first three places in each category.
Daz Hall leading the road side ice on the second weekend.
Steve Willson soaking up the atmosphere after the last days climbing.

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