Page 13 - Demo
P. 13
This is my first report as Chairman and Mayor of Thrapston Town Council and yes I know it’s my 3rd time and yes I am feeling very lucky!
I want to take this opportunity
to thank the Councillors who
stood down this month, Diane
Boyd, Chelsea George, David Strode-Willis, Chris Otterwell and
special thanks to Peter Baden who
retires having served as a Town Councillor for 18 years and also David Read who retired last year after 17 years service.
We welcome 3 new Elected Councillors Lindsay Latimer, Andy McGovern and Tony Twigger and by the time you read
this 2 more co-opted Councillors should
be on board. Hopefully you will have an opportunity to meet, greet and chat with
us all in the not too distant future. I would also like to thank the Town Council staff who work mostly behind the scenes but who make sure the services we are legally required to provide are delivered and go the extra mile to make this Town look and feel great.
Hopefully if the roadmap has gone to plan we will be enjoying more freedom in our lives meeting extended family and friends again and being able to socialise and
feel part of the Community. To that end we are fortunate to have a High Street of independent shops and businesses who have been
on an absolute roller coaster but where possible have continued
to provide a service to their customers and we should recognise that by continuing to support them.
I am fortunate to be surrounded by a large family and friends but there are residents
in our town who may be on their own or feeling lonely or struggling to cope, please continue to share the kindness, friendship and support I know so many of you have throughout this pandemic. Sometimes
a smile, a hello, and how are you today
can make a real difference to someone. Thrapston is a great Town with an amazing Community and I am proud to be your Chairman and Mayor for this year.
Best wishes, Val Carter