Page 30 - 2008 AMA Summer
P. 30
Ex Assiniboine Diamond was a summer mountaineering expedition located primarily in the Canadian Rockies but also included several days walking around Whistler. Scheduled to take place immediately after my Royal Engineers' Squadron deploy ment on Ex MEDMAN, it pro vided seven members of 26 Armoured Engineer Squadron with the opportunity to take a well deserved rest from Regimental life after the rigours of a demanding train ing year.
The expedition itinerary was relatively straightforward with
an initial training phase con sisting of a series of progres sively more demanding treks around Banff, followed by an expedition phase around Mt Assiniboine. Sandwiched in the middle was a day spent white water rafting on the Kicking Horse River and the trip concluded with an R & R phase in Calgary. As ever, the plan became the first casual ty. To start with sage local advice about weather condi tions, bear activity and trail restrictions resulted in a reshuffle of the training phase objectives and secondly an unexpected flight delay led to a week long extension in
country that had to be autho rised and planned on the ground.
We were to camp throughout the expedition, and found early on that the campsites were of a very high standard - affordable, clean and with decent facilities. Future expe ditions should note, however, that many of the campsites close between mid and late September leaving only the few winter ones available and open. Wild camping is not permitted and campgrounds are to be used in the National Park. These vary in style; those outside towns such
as Tunnel M ountain Campground, about two and a half kilom etres from Banff, provide full facilities including showers. Some of the more remote sites such as Lake Magog are a little more aus tere, providing only bear proof food storage and a latrine if your lucky.
Two treks during the training phase proved particularly noteworthy. Cory Pass is described in the guidebook as the most spectacular and strenuous day hike near Banff and proved to be just that. An easy mile through typical pine forest was a deceptive start
BY Doug Harper