Page 10 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 10
B Coy – Dismounted
Situational Awareness
The Dismounted Situational Awareness (DSA) project aims to equip all infantry soldiers with lightweight, Command and Battlespace Management, to improve situational awareness and mission effectiveness. B Company was tasked by the Infantry Trials and Development Unit to be the test troops for a three-week trial of the experimental radios and smartphones in November 2021.
ATAK (Android Tactical Assault Kit) is an Android smartphone situational awareness app. This is attached
to the users’ chest and it allows for precision targeting, situational awareness, navigation, and data sharing. This is enabled by a new, lightweight radio worn by every Rifleman that provides a voice and data network, replacing BOWMAN and PRR radios.
After a week at Beachley Barracks learning and experimenting with the equipment, B Company deployed to Copehill Down Village for two weeks. Living out of a barn on the village, the Platoons trained with the new equipment by day and night to test its potential and limitations. Missions included rural clearances, fighting up a tower block and a Company attack through the rubble of Shrewton Street.
The new radios incorporate instant messaging and sharing of data packages, allowing very quick briefing of a Commander’s plan. Company Second in Commands will be glad that there is no requirement for a map board on the dash of your Land Rover any longer! The size and the weight are a vast improvement on current radios and they are designed to fit easily onto our body armour. The key risk identified was an over reliance on the capability of the smartphone, especially during night actions: commanders could become overly focused on the screen below their chin and not the ground in front of them.
This technology has the potential to transform Dismounted Close Combat tactics and capability. The planned assumption of entry to the Field Army is in late 2024. So, for the meantime; “Right everyone get your notebooks out”!
10 RIFLES The Bugle
CSM Brett Campbell and Sjt Rob Nichols getting to grips with the ATAK
Mobile Force Reserve
S Company 1 RIFLES forms the majority of the Mobile Force Reserve on Op TOSCA 35, which comprises 65 Riflemen who act as the UN military commander’s theatre-wide QRF.
Our PDT began in June 2021, with the first serial a challenging Public Order package prepared by WO2 Josh Seemayer, culminating in a 24hr challenging validation exercise. It is safe to say that Support Company’s reputation with baton and shield was maintained against a determined OPFOR from A and B Companies: we passed with flying colors.
After a period of well-deserved summer leave we deployed to Nesscliffe for the MRX. Validating in a series of scenarios ranging from Planned Demonstrations,
Cordon Operations and VVIP
visits, S Company demonstrated
its adaptability and the Thinking
Rifleman ethos by transitioning
from a warfighting mindset
to that of a UN Peacekeeper.
After two weeks in isolation in
the UK we deployed and then
immediately undertook two
further weeks of isolation in
Bloodhound Camp – it hasn’t
changed! In temperatures of
40 degrees +, with views of the Mediterranean Sea beyond the
fence line, free food and at least
five different speakers playing dance music at any time, morale was never low.
Following isolation we moved up to Nicosia to Blue Beret Camp within the United Nations Protected Area. The first month was spent understanding the role and familiarizing ourselves with our AO: a 180km long Buffer Zone ranging in width from 7.5 kilometres to 3 metres! Op TOSCA has been an interesting tour for the Riflemen. We have all but mastered the role and
have seized the chance to exploit Cyprus’s opportunities. The MFR has mobilised for demonstrations in Nicosia, ready to protect the Buffer Zone, supported a visit from the Pope, delivered historical briefs on Nicosia
Airport to VVIPs including
the Polish President, foreign ministers, ambassadors and high ranking military officers from a range of countries. Riflemen have explored the island, undertaking formal
and informal AT, conducting
a 24 hour CrossFit session for charity, and ensuring that their core skills remain ready for their return to the UK and Support Weapons Cadres and a Kenya deployment in 2022. Peace remains in Cyprus.
food and speakers playing dance music at any time, morale was never