Page 14 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 14

                                   2 RIFLES
  Through A Company’s Eyes
With many flight delays, isolation frustrations and a five-day acclimatisation PT package, A Company, deployed on EX ASKARI WARRIOR. Designed to be a fast and furious company level training package the Platoon Commanders and Senior NCOs set out early ahead of the platoons to design, plan and construct a company operating base from which to work from, ranges to fire on and patrol lanes to allow the platoons
to practice their own Standard Operating Procedures.
The first phase was the Live Fire Tactical Training, a mix of zeroing our weapons, Transition to Live Fire Tactical Training and a Live Fire Platoon Attack by day and night to finish. A lot of ammunition and a few grenade throws later A Company were prepared
for the Company Attack Live Fire Exercise. Accomplishing all our Training Objectives without using illumination at night allowed us to carry out ‘black attacks’ remaining silent, stealthy and owning the night on a live range.
Following the completion of our Live Fire package we moved onto dry training honing our broader skills as Riflemen. We tried and tested new ones making the most of the new operating environment made available to us. Thick scrubland, wadis, open ground, and juicy
bund lines allowed us to make the most of the ground at every opportunity.
Having polished off a few areas as a platoon and covered off the company methods of movement and Battle Group SOPs we kicked off our first BG led lane. The shake out was
a three-day operation centred around a BG obstacle crossing and was a good chance
to see how we fit into the bigger BG picture. Having neutralised the enemy, conquered a high feature and moved to an FUP we cleared an enemy village before entering a hasty defence for the remainder of the shake out. Ammunition and kit sorted we mounted up and headed back to Nyati Barracks for some well-earned rest.
A Company then departed to Archers
Post Training Area to begin Exercise Askari Centurion, the Company test phase, with
A Coy starting on the Defensive serial. The newly formed A Company Group moved into defensive positions focused on a bridge. It was our mission to delay enemy forces to allow the Royal Engineer section to rig the bridge for demolition following the Company’s withdrawal from its positions of the far bank.
First contact with the enemy, Task Force Hannibal provided by 1 Grenadier Guards came just after midnight on the first day. Small
The tempo was high as we hunted the Grenadiers
probing attacks were the theme of the night however the Company, with a rigid unmasking policy held firm.
A Company went into Ex Viking confident in their ability ready to support the BG in its first full run-out. Refreshed again following a Rungu in OB SIMBA, the Company departed for the mountainous Loldaiga Training Area. Over a two-week Final Training Exercise, the tempo was high as we hunted the Grenadiers, finishing as a Battle Group validated and ready for war.
Rfn Marchant, Rfn Robson
 A Coy conduct depth clearance following a successful attack on the Final Exercise of ASKARI STORM
14 RIFLES The Bugle
A Coy conduct a CASEVAC during Ex ASKARI STORM
Seeing animals in the wild was a unique experience throughout the exercise
  Thick scrubland, wadis, open ground, and juicy bund lines allowed us to make
the most of the ground at every opportunity

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