Page 20 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 20
Battle Lanes
During September 2021 members from
A Coy, 3 RIFLES, had the privilege of
training alongside the 1st Mehanizirana Bojna-Sokolovi (1st ‘Sokolovi’ Mechanised Battalion) in the Slavonian North East region of Croatia on Ex SAVA STAR. This flagship UK-CROATIAN bi-lateral exercise provided insight to all ranks into how a NATO partner operates with their equipment, tactics, and SOP’s.
Upon landing in Zagreb, the Company was greeted with 30̊C temperatures and no rain, a welcome change to September in Edinburgh! The first few days were spent acclimatising and becoming familiar with the camp and the back area, which, with its lush green forests and dusty tracks, was nowhere near as daunting as the Pentlands. The Croatians were also hospitable enough to provide an afternoon of vehicle and weapon stands. During which A Company members were able to ride in the BVPs, a Croatian variant of a Soviet armoured fighting vehicle. Riflemen were also given the chance to get hands on the VHS-D assault rifle, HS 2000 pistol and Croatian AKM variants.
The rest of the week was spent working alongside the Croatians whilst also developing Section to Company level training through
a series of actions, culminating in a night Company attack.
Perhaps one of the highlights of the trip was the Croatian cultural day in which A Company visited numerous sites of important heritage. The first stop was Vukovar; the site of the bloodiest battle in the Yugoslav War. After a heavy morning of reflection, the day started to lighten up as the Company made a visit to the site where football was first introduced by British Industrialists. After a brief stop for lunch, we then visited a local Mayor’s house and office, in which everyone was able to sample Croatian meat, Rakija (a form of herbal brandy like schnapps), and beer. The most bizarre
20 RIFLES The Bugle
moment of the day was the visit to a Croatian forestry museum.
The following half-week was used for rehearsals for the Distinguished Visitors’ Day Demonstration. This involved A Company operating from Croatian vehicles and running through Platoon and Section attacks alongside our Croatian partners. This last action included TNT demolitions, simulating incoming tank rounds, as well as simulated vehicle weapons being fired. The action culminated in an assault on an enemy position by members of 2 Platoon.
Wrapping things up the Riflemen were addressed by NATO commanders and the British Ambassador, ending the working side of the exercise, and leaving the Company to enjoy two days’ worth of R&R in Osijek before returning to the UK.
Rfn Owens
Taking a break and getting to know one another
The most bizarre moment
of the day was the visit to a Croatian forestry museum
Croatian Weapons Stand