Page 32 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 32
A Company clear Copehill Down
Army Warfighting Experiment 21
The Army Warfighting Experiment was the premier exercise for harnessing technology to prepare British forces for the future of complex warfare. Throughout the three weeks, over 20 vendors arrived to present their innovations and have A Coy, 5 RIFLES test them in the urban environment. Operating in a combined arms context within Copehill Down village, the UK’s premier urban training ground, is a rare opportunity that was seized by all Riflemen.
The first week was dominated by 1 Platoon rehearsing a break-in and clearance of Shrewton St with 2nd Troop, D Sqn, QRH attached for the Distinguished Visitor (DV)
day. By the end of rehearsals 1 Platoon had developed into an efficient team with all Riflemen confident about their low-level urban drills. Concurrently, 2 and 3 Platoon were able to use the training for navigation practice, NLAW engagement training and urban drills rehearsals. This training, led by Corporals, culminated in a night navigation exercise and a series of urban battle lanes with a US squad attached. Cross-training with US Infantry was a unique experience that all benefitted from.
Following DV day, A Coy was tasked with testing a variety of new equipment aimed at combining the virtual, constructive, and live training environments. From the comfort of the computer suite, 1 Platoon conducted an MCC attack on Copehill Down village using Unit Based Virtual Training. Simultaneously, the remaining Platoons conducted a live urban clearance with the use of Dismounted Situational Awareness terminals (a phone app that allows users to track and communicate
32 RIFLES The Bugle
with all on the net). Once complete, Riflemen were tested in their ability to operate in the subterranean environment. Gradually progressing from
clean fatigues to
full kit, we were challenged to move through and map a series of underground tunnels where only the slightest of individuals could become unstuck.
The final week
saw A Company
Riflemen involved
in ‘improbable ops,’
whereby the vendor
was able to simulate
10,000 soldiers deploying to a location with every interaction of a ‘controlled’ virtual soldier having a network of effects across the local population. Overall, AWE provided a unique training experience for A Company. Riflemen of all ranks were able to use and test novel
kit and concepts, whilst providing genuine and constructive feedback on its real-world application. In addition, the internal training resourced and planned by A Company’s Riflemen was hugely engaging and effective, with real development of an individual’s
skills, Section-level competence, and Platoon efficiency.
Lt Hamilton, OC 2 Platoon
Images: LCpl H-M
A Rifleman showing off the L129A1 Sharpshooter to a Brazilian visitor
Minister for the Armed Forces, James Heappey MP, talks to Cpl Price