Page 35 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 35
D Company prepare for live firing alongside their Ukrainian and Swedish allies
With recent Russian troop build ups the precarious position of Ukrainian sovereignty has been at the forefront of the international news agenda. D Company 5 RIFLES deployed on Ex JOINT ENDEAVOUR between 08 Sep – 04 Oct 2021. This deployment
was directed to support the overarching strategic interests of Great Britain in Ukraine.
The deployment comprised the movement, by air and road, to South Ukraine, followed by an integrated exercise with the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s (AFU) 56th Marine Brigade as they conducted pre-deployment validation for a Brigade deployment to the Joint Force Operation (JFO), the contested area of South Eastern Ukraine.
The exercise provided a multifaceted opportunity for the Company; testing our readiness to deploy at short notice to eastern Europe; integration with the AFU backing up the extant UK military support to Ukraine; and finally, an excellent opportunity for adventure and travel for our Riflemen.
For the Dogs, dismounting from the back of a Ukrainian ‘Kozak’ armoured vehicle, having the opportunity to conduct a live fire attack amidst the noise, smoke and thunder of attack helicopters, artillery support and surface to air missiles, this was a thunderous experience. Opportunities such as this are hugely retention positive. All the better to do this whilst simultaneously providing reassurance from Britain to our Ukrainian partners in turbulent times. Having finished the exercise a short
visit from the Colonel Commandant was much appreciated.
Due to Mil AT delays on route home the Dogs took the opportunity of exploring Chernobyl power plant and the neighbouring town of Pripyat. I’m glad to report no one has reported to the GDMO with any significant mutations, yet.
Maj J Murray, OC D Coy
Images: From Joe
I’m glad
to report no one has reported to the GDMO with any significant mutations, yet
The first time 5 RIFLES have operated in Ukraine
Pioneer /
Bugle Platoon
They have had a busy year coming back from Op CABRIT in March.
After some much-deserved POTl they hit the ground running with five members of the Platoon deployed to Castlemartin ranges to provide batsims for the LFTT phase, while the remainder of the Platoon conducted mission specific training to ensure readiness for Op TEMPRER. In addition, two members of the Platoon passed their basic assault pioneer course which involves learning how to implement explosives, defences and minefield clearance on the battlefield as well as complete the basic Boat Operator’s course.
The Platoon continued with its primary role in Corsham mines, delivering Method of Entry lessons
to the Battalion and setting up
booby traps and defences to make
the RIFLES Company’s advance on clearing the mines harder. A day turn around and a section of the Platoon deployed with B Company to Cenzab on Ex GAULISH EAGLE which saw
them provide warfighting lessons in the urban environment and the usage of Bangalore Torpedoes as well as improvised shaped charges.
The Platoon has had a busy year bugling as well as soldiering, providing fanfares for Royalty and VIP’s as well as a three- week deployment to Cyprus performing with the Salamanca Band and Bugles. The highlight of the year was the Regimental bugle competition which saw the Platoon crowned the best Bugle Platoon in the Regiment, LCpl Hayward walking away with the number one prize of Colonel in Chief’s bugler and Rfn Chantrell being appointed the Deputy Colonel Commandant’s bugler - well done to both!
Next year is already looking promising with Sound Retreat at Horse Guards on the 8-9 June and a return to Corsham mines and BATUS.
LCpl Goodfellow AP Section 2ic
RIFLES The Bugle 35