Page 47 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 47

  IBS Battle Courses
Getting time off to attend army courses is not always easy as a reservist, however this autumn three Rifleman from D Company attended all three reserve career courses at IBS Brecon – Reserve Juniors, Seniors and PCD. Integrating with regular counterparts for two weeks, the Zero to Hero courses put LCpl Oliver Jobling, Cpl Daz Lawton and 2Lt Marcus Blackett-Ord through their paces in what is a rare opportunity to hone field skills.
Reserve PCD joined regular PCBC
for Offensive and Defensive weeks. Incorporating the application of specialist platoon weapons, NLAW and ASM throughout the course covering a range of offensive operations including woodland warfare, trench clearing, conventional advance to contacts, ambushes, and recce patrols; culminating in a gruelling five-mile rapid insertion carrying full fighting order. Overall a challenging
but rewarding week, blessed by decent weather. The following Defensive week focused on occupying and defending dug-in positions, while conducting defensive actions with an ‘offensive spirit,’ decisively shaping the enemy as part of a structured Battlegroup defence/delay.
The challenges of integrating and operating at a ‘regular standard’ was a daunting prospect at first, however the training progression allowed for new topics to be introduced and practiced before being tested in a training environment with plenty of feedback
and advice. Similarly, greater knowledge of the core tactical functions and their principles, while not practiced as a reservist as frequently as our regular counterparts, would always have been beneficial, and of course a high standard of physical and mental robustness is vital.
Completing reserve PCD has been a great personal achievement, learning through conventional warfare PCD exposes reservists to the huge variety and complexities of platoon command. Coming away with increased confidence and greater experience I hope that what I take away from the course can translate into more engaging and challenging training for my platoon and assists in better developing our Riflemen to attend promotion courses in Brecon themselves. Lt Blackett-Ord, D Company
 Coming away with increased confidence and greater experience I hope that what I
take away from the course can translate into more engaging and challenging training for my
 Forming a small battlegroup with elements of the Royal Irish Regiment, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the Army Air Corps, and the Royal Army of Oman; Exercise Khanjar Oman sought to demonstrate interoperability on the global stage. Individuals from 8 RIFLES deployed in a supporting role and were looking to return with lessons learnt from other organisations. Operating in a desert environment for two months alongside an allied foreign force, the Exercise was a successful test of the 8 RIFLES reach.
After an initial training and preparation phase, the battlegroup executed a
series of missions which increased in complexity. Supporting elements and units of the Omani Army were integrated throughout; the result being a cohesive bi-national force to tackle the final scenario. There was an opportunity
for the battlegroup to showcase its capability on Distinguished Visitors Day, with spectators including our own
Secretary of State for Defence. The Exercise concluded with a live firing package before the troops returned to the centralised location ready for adventurous training and cultural visits.
Members of 8 RIFLES were fortunate to work within the team of Observer/ Mentors who followed the battlegroup on the area to help facilitate a safe and rich training environment, as well as assisting the overall running of the Exercise.
2Lt Craik, E Company
...the Exercise was a successful test of the 8 RIFLES reach
                                    8 RIFLES
  RIFLES The Bugle 47

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