Page 7 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 7

                                    THE BUGLE
    The Rifles formed in 2007 there was an expectation that a Rifles’ Association would grow over time as an evolution of the existing branches of the associations of our Forming Regiments. Whilst RIFLES veterans have been welcomed warmly by these branches, few have taken the opportunity to join, and that reluctance continues as
we approach the 15th anniversary of our formation. However, we know that RIFLES veterans are becoming increasingly keen to reunite socially with their contemporaries. We have, therefore, created The Rifleman’s Association (TRA), membership of which will be very much open to veterans of our Forming and Antecedent Regiments, but will be of greater interest to those currently serving or those who have left The Rifles since 2007. It is to TRA that RHQ RIFLES resources and support will be given in the future.
Riflemen, whether serving or retired, like
to do things with people that they know
and respect, and with whom they have shared experiences both good and bad. At the heart of TRA is the development of a network of semi-autonomous Branches (Battalions, Functional and Regional) made up of veterans with shared experiences in common. These branches will offer events, comradeship, support to those needing it; and through these, help to fellow Riflemen when needed. But TRA is designed as a national association; with common overarching rules, a national committee supported by branch committees, and common subscription levels that allow individuals to move easily from one branch to another. For serving Riflemen, their subscription will come from their donation under the Service Day’s Pay Scheme. For veterans, branch subscriptions are paid annually, with the income generated going direct to the respective TRA branch. TRA branches can then bid for start-up, and then further funding through RHQ and this will
be allocated according to the membership numbers of each branch.
Membership of TRA offers individuals:
• a club of like-minded members with whom
to keep in touch and socialise.
• access to a wide variety of events, ranging
from invitations to return to battalions for their Salamanca Day celebrations or sporting fixtures, to branch organised events tailored to their members’ wishes.
• access to RIFLES news, through Swift, where photos and stories are routinely posted and copies of The Chronicle, Bugle and Fix Swords publications can be read on-line (including on a smart phone).
• free entry to TRA Gatherings that normally take place once a year.
• a small, distinct enamel TRA lapel badge that can be worn in civilian clothing to identify the wearer as a Rifleman.
Membership of TRA can only be done on Swift, The Rifles Network, uniquely designed as the cutting-edge website of TRA. Swift
has state of the art functions bedded within in that are compliant with the MOD’s GDPR policies, enables secure payments to be made efficiently, information to be displayed and members to easily find and contact comrades or fellow members of TRA living within their vicinity.
Over time, any group of Riflemen (Serving or Veteran) may apply to RHQ to form a local branch of The Rifleman’s Association but
a decision has been taken to initially grow branches in an incremental and manageable way as TRA finds its feet. With the help and support of RHQ’s Regional Secretaries, the following is envisaged:
National. It is hoped that the Buglers’ Association of The Light Division and RIFLES will evolve into the Buglers’ Branch of TRA. This would be a hybrid branch, controlled centrally but operating regionally.
London. While the London Branch of the RGJ Association remains strong, a situation might occur where there is an appetite and capacity to form a branch of TRA in due course.
South. An initiative is already underway to form a South Branch of TRA from Reading. South West. An initiative is already underway to form a South West from Exeter. Central. The plan is to form a Central Branch TRA.
North East. There is already a North East Branch of TRA.
North West. The plan is to form a Central Branch TRA.
Yorkshire. The plan is to form a Central Branch TRA.
Battalions. In reality each of the Regular and Reserve Battalions is a Branch of TRA but this should not stop serving Riflemen from also joining a Regional Branch if they so wish.
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Given
the deepening RIFLES roots in Scotland and Northern Ireland the Regiment would welcome the creation of branches in these nations.
27th October 2022
The Londoner Hotel, Leicester Square
JUST RIFLES have raised a staggering £2 m since being established in 2010. Every single penny raised is spent on improving the lives of injured Rifleman and helping veterans and family members of our antecedent regiments.
Please come and join us at our annual Charity Ball and enjoy this spectacular event that honours our brave Riflemen and their supporters. This year’s event is going to be bigger than ever. Reunite with Regimental legends, famous sports personalities connected to the RILFES.
For discounted tickets email Scott Levy
On the 8th and 9th of June The Massed Bands and Bugles of The Rifles will be Sounding Retreat at Horse Guards in London. Guest bands and other supporting musical acts will join us on the square.
Tickets will be available to purchase online soon. Keep
an eye on SWIFT and our
social media channels for the announcement that will include all of the event details for this must-see spectacle.
    RIFLES The Bugle 7

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