Page 5 - Oundle Life March 2025
P. 5
thrapston LIFEThe magazine for Thrapston and its villages
Hair, self care and curry
From Councillor elections and mental health to paganism and wine…
Do you have a few hours spare each month to
if you fancy tripping the light fantastic, then
be a town councillor? It gives you the chance to
Step N Grooves is here to show you how. From
make your voice heard and influence how the
their home in Islip Village Hall they teach all
town moves forward (page 8).
their students how to have fun and dance with
Eleven year old Leo is taking over the
confidence (page 22).
running of the Rotary shoebox campaign in
Thrapston. Aided by his nan Lindsey, young
Leo, who already has many years of experience
under his belt, will be filling those boxes and
ensuring that under privileged children will
have a present this Christmas. He is passionate
about spreading joy across the world with his
shoeboxes (page 20).
Age is no barrier in the world of dance, so
Look out for us
on Facebook:
If you wish to submit an article:
Hermitage House
Coff ee Coff ee Mor nings
Mor nings Coff ee Mor nings Coff ee Mor nings Coff ee Mor ningsA Country Court Care Home
Every other Wednesday 10am - 12pm
*Starting from 15th January 2025
We welcome our local community to join us for a delightful coff ee morning.
We look forward to getting to know our neighbours and local
groups over a cup of tea and cake.
No need to book just pop by on the day!
Call today 01832 430 084
Kingfi sher Road, Thrapston,
Kettering, NN14 4GN