Page 50 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2017
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Rather like Theo, Royal Lancer football has suffered from consistency this season. After the excitement of the 2016/17 season with the US tour, Regimental commitments have hindered such bold steps this season which has been particularly disappointing with plans afoot to conquer the Midlands – home of many a Lancer great. Likewise, the sea- son’s close will also be interrupted by the deployments to Cy- prus and BATUS – such is the Army’s tempo at the moment, this year more than others has been affected by commitments.
However, Babington Shield Football, that most hotly con- tested of intra-squadron competitions. As usual for Catter- ick, a tournament that was meant to take place in April, then June, then September, actually took place in October. Early money was on the Regimental team heavy C Squadron, yet after two games, the tournament was evenly matched between four out of the five squadrons. A Squadron had used all their skill in the previous Babington Shield competitions so were already contemplating the relegation zone. Yet after some nervy draws, C Squadron’s mix of age and experience shone through and they took the title.
Promisingly, the seeds for the future are being sown. Septem- ber will see a number of players attend coaching qualifica- tions in Aldershot. Increased numbers on the days we can train have led to the establishment of a ‘B team’ who have played several games, including most recently a gritty two to one loss to the Army Foundation College Harrogate ‘A Team’. Our in-house referees, Corporal Bagshaw and Brooks con- tinue support us and wider Army football through excellent refereeing and it is pleasing to see another qualified referee joining us in Trooper Highton.
All teams have a fallow season; if ours is to be 2017/18 – so be it. However, refreshed from the Cyprus sun, with six months of fitness training under our belt and a C Squadron contin- gent eager to translate their summer’s five-aside skills into a wet October scuffle on the Wavell Road pitches, 2018/19 will be our year. You heard it here first.
“I’ve been consistent in patches this season”
Theo Walcott
Following back-to-back Hodson’s Horse victories, The Royal Lancers hockey team finds itself in a strong position. The Babington Shield inter-squadron competition upturned some exciting new talent and brought about some old rivalries. It was A Squadron who came out on top, led by the enthusiastic ‘play- er-manager’ Major Morrissey, with pieces of outstanding indi- vidual skill from Lance Corporal Peabody. Further afield, the Regiment has been strongly represented in the Royal Armoured Corps team, with Sergeant Caven, Corporal Cockayne and Lance Corporal Peabody all assisting in a string of competitive wins.
Lance Corporal Peabody has additionally represented the Army in the Under-25s inter-services indoor competition and has been chosen to play for the Army Under-25s in 2018. The team look forward to more competitive hockey at all levels in 2018. With a wealth of new players at hand and a potential tour on the ho- rizon, Royal Lancers hockey looks set for an enjoyable season next year.