Page 21 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 21

NAS – a judges view!
I feel a need to comment on the
just happens to look the other way. The
number of times as a NVS vegetable
steward will hopefully spot the problem
judge I have had to give NAS this
and remove a pod. But if there are less
year. For anyone not familiar with
pods of peas than the class requires
the show scene NVS stands for Not
there is nothing that can be done and
According to Schedule. So, if a class
that entry is Not According to Schedule.
requires that a vegetable or vegetables
When anyone asks for advice on
need to be staged in a certain way or
how to stage vegetables the first thing,
certain number and that requirement
I will say to them is always read the
is not adhered to then that entry is
schedule. In other words, make sure you
disqualified, and the only award will be
understand what the schedule requires
for the entries you are intending to stage.
I hope it is just me and not a general
If you don’t understand ask someone
trend, but I have never given out as many
who does understand. Don’t just assume.
NAS cards as I have this show season.
And don’t worry that you may be asking
No judge likes to award NAS but as
a silly question as nearly all experienced
part of our job is to encourage people
show people are only too happy to
to show, especially if it is their first time
help new exhibitors and pass on their
on the show bench. We want them to
come back and have another go and
Admitted, there can be a shortage of
hopefully do better. Any decent judge
volunteers sometimes, which means
will do his or her best not to award NAS
that someone is asked to steward a
but sometimes it just can’t be avoided.
section without knowing what the job
For instance, at a local show if a judge
entails. Apart from making sure that
spots an exhibit that should contain five
there is enough room for all the exhibits,
pods of peas and one contains six they
the steward also needs to check that
can ask the steward to check that all the
all exhibits conform to what is required
entries in that class are correct while he
in the schedule. For instance, if the
schedule askes for cabbage stalks to
be trimmed to 3”(75mm) and someone
stages an exhibit with the roots left on
then this needs to be pointed out before
the exhibitor leaves. Then hopefully the
exhibitor will correct his or her mistake.
That exhibit will then be judged at least
instead of being disqualified. And that
looks better for the viewing public.
Besides fully reading and
understanding the schedule, it is all ways
a good idea to do as much preparation
as you can before going to the show.
This is especially useful if you have a
lot of entries to stage. Time is always at
a premium when staging your exhibits
and if you are rushing to stage all your
exhibits before the deadline it is so easy
to make mistakes. So, preparation is key.
I know last year’s show season is over
now, but I am hoping and keeping my
fingers crossed that I don’t have to give
out so many NAS cards during the next
show season.
Andrew Moakes
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