Page 39 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 39
Exposed shoulders
Mark keeps a net over his beetroot bed
to keep the birds out and he also finds
that growing the beetroot quite closely
together keeps them upright (which is
important for keeping them symmetrical)
and it shades the actual beet quite well.
You must not disturb your beetroot once
it’s approximately thumbnail size as they
can grow squint if disturbed. Growing
close together, Mark finds it also negates
the need to have to cover the root when it
pushes up and exposes the shoulder. Note,
some growers cover up the shoulders with
spare borehole mix to avoid a corky finish.
Marks personal preference for the size to
aim for when exhibiting is that of a Tennis
ball (21.5 centimetres circumference). Note,
the NVS Judges guide suggests 60-75 mm
diameter (19-23.5mm circumference), so a
tennis ball is a fairly good guide.
When lifting, grasp the stalks firmly, but
pull very slowly to retain all of the tap root.
Clean carefully in cold water with a soft
sponge and cut the stalks off as late as
possible as they do bleed.
Transport to the show damp, display
carefully and hopefully you will be in the
Building and lining a raised bed
Bed filled with concreteing sand and watered well
Checking for
Borehole prepararation
The finished
product on the
show bench
Sucession planting – growing
Simply Vegetables 39