Page 54 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 54
Northern Branch
MEMBERS 20000 TO 29999
Chairman’s report
I am writing this report in the middle of
January knowing you will be viewing this
in the spring.
Hopefully we will have got through the
winter months without much trouble and
looking forward to an early start to the
season. Already people have got their leeks
and onions well underway and potting up
already into large pots. Most of these will
be for the giant vegetable competitions but
some keen growers are looking to get a
head start on their competitors. This will be
interesting to see how they do in the show
season. We have just started sowing the
first vegetable seeds at work for the retail
sector garden centres. Most of the early
sowings will be heading south. I do not
even attempt to sow anything until further
into the spring due to the lack of light and
the cost of heating to maintain steady
growth which is essential for a successful
We have been growing quite a few
plants on the nursery in peat free compost
with some success using a good quality
mix. All our begonias are grown in this
mixture this year following trials last year.
We are noticing they require extra feed to
keep them growing and they are healthy
young plants when they leave the nursery
in the plug stage. Some trials of cuttings
we grow throughout the winter months
have not been as successful due to the
material used to strike the cuttings. we
found that the plugs were producing
fungus within days of watering and
providing heat to the plants. This will be
down to the addition of wood fibres within
the compost. Unfortunately, we do not get
a full breakdown of what every source of
compost contains. This is why when you
grow on a large scale it is vital to use a
reliable source for all materials to avoid
costly disasters. When people are reliant
on produce for sales you can’t afford to
gamble on using anything that has not
been tried and tested fully.
Looking through the seed catalogues
I have noticed a few new additions to
quite a few vegetables, and some may be
suitable for the exhibitors to use. It was
interesting reading a notice on Facebook
from Ivor Mace showing five new leeks he
is growing. These have been reduced down
from many he grew. I will be very interested
to see how these develop over the next
few years. This is one area I would love to
get into when I eventually stop working full
time, the development of new varieties is
fascinating although very time consuming
but achievable by most people if you have
the knowledge and patience.
The Northern branch will be active
again throughout the season holding
shows and other events. Please look out
for events in your area and support the
district associations. We are still open to
new committee members for the Northern
branch if you feel you have something to
offer the branch, we will be pleased to talk
with you and hopefully get you enrolled
as a committee member in the future. We
need new ideas and positive attitudes to
take the society forward.
I will finish this report by thanking all
the members who are already involved
in running the society from district
associations to trustees. A lot of hard work
and dedication has been put into the last
year without much praise and thanks for
everything you all do.
Looking forward to seeing many of you
throughout the year
Adrian Read FNVS
Chairman, Northern Branch
Although our AGM
isn’t till February, I’ve
taken the liberty of
enclosing a photo of
the committee-in-
This presuming
there’s no last-
minute mad rush
for the elected
positions. Pictured
is the current D.A.
Committee; Top; John
Goodall (Chairman);
Middle, Mick Shipley
(Show Secretary,
Public Relations &
Communications, S.V. Reports);
Bottom, John Croot (Treasurer) and
Geoff Butterworth (Secretary).
Our monthly meetings are February
(AGM), March, April, May, October
and November. Meetings are held at
‘Pleasley Miners Welfare’, Chesterfield
Road. NG19 7PD starting around
19:45hrs unless otherwise stated. Our
meetings will be publicised on the
NVS Website in due course.
The D.A. is also planning an
evening visit during June or July. This
is usually to a local grower’s garden
or allotment. D.A. members will be
growing vegetable and flower plants
to sell which helps with the D.As
running costs and finances etc.
Our Secretary (Geoff Butterworth)
is currently in the process of booking
speakers and planning visits for
the coming year, which will be
promulgated as soon has they’ve
been finalised.
NEDDAs 46th Open Vegetable
Show will be held on Sunday 7th
September 2025 at the Village
Centre, Glapwell, Derbyshire S44
5LW. For further show or meeting
details contact, any D.A. member,
Mick Shipley or Geoff Butterworth.
Contact details can be found in the
NVS Directory.
Gerald Treweek Obituary
The NVS is sad to announce the death off Gerald Treweek. He was a member of the
Northern branch and the Derbyshire D.A. for many years. A great grower in his time,
Gerald won 11 Red tickets at the National Championships. Large Exhibition onions
2010 (Dundee), 2004 (Tunbridge Wells); 1Kg to 1.5Kg Onions 2006 (Pembroke) (most
meritorious exhibit); 20Pt. veg collection - Dundee 2005 (most meritorious exhibit);
Long Carrots 2003 (Harrogate), 2002 (Malvern), 2001 (Margam Park), 1999 (Tunbridge
wells); Parsnips 2001 (Margam Park), 2000 (Dundee); Celery 2000 (Dundee). Gerald
will be sadly missed by his many friends and we send our condolences to his family.
54 Simply Vegetables