Page 11 - RADC 2017
P. 11
AMS Tennis 2016/2017
Maj Fiona Welborn, RADC
Once again the AMS has had another successful tennis season not only for those involved in the team but also for getting beginners into the game.
A Ladies Day was held right at the end of the season for players of all abilities to encourage more ladies
into a pretty male
dominated sport. The
AMS sent a number
of complete beginners
who, over the morning,
mastered the basic
skills and progressed
into the fun afternoon
tournament. Both
the winning and running up pairs had AMS players.
The 2017 season started with the Indoor tournament. Over a couple of days the men and ladies battled through the tournament
in Portsmouth tennis centre with ice on the inside of the centre. The ladies final was two AMS players; Sgt Hils Grieg and me. It was a close fought match in which I was fortunate to take the upper hand and defend my title.
The One Day InterCorps tournaments have featured highly
In the InterCorps doubles we drew the eventual winners in the first round but gave them a run for their money. In both the mixed doubles and ladies doubles I was expected to do well and after a few tough rounds defended my titles in both. The ladies singles didn’t go quite to plan though, it was a very tough final and, unfortunately, I came second.
The Inter-services A’s were held at NTC Birmingham this year, a venue chosen because of its outdoor courts and its indoor facilities in case the weather was against us. Day 1 looked promising with the sun shining and the nets up on the grass courts but it didn’t last for long. The heavens opened and, after a couple of people had taken tumbles, the decision was made to move the rest of the matches indoors. After day
1 both the mens and ladies teams ended
in very strong positions with all to play for. Day 2 brought a further deluge of rain so all matches were played indoors. The ladies team comfortably took the overall win whereas the men lost by one rubber. For the first time in over 10 years the ladies masters’ team also took the title.
We are always looking for players of
all standards to become involved in both Army tennis and AMS tennis. The website contains details of all of the events that occur and has contact details for Corps secretary/chairman. The AMS are planning to hold another tennis day in June 2018 with the main focus being on getting beginners/intermediates playing with some coaching and a fun competition at the end split up by ability.
Both the winning and running up pairs had AMS players.
in the AMS tennis calendar with strong teams being fielded
in both of the events. We reached the semi-finals in both tournaments and were only just ‘pipped at the post’ by the Infantry in in September.
March and the REME
I went into this year’s Outdoor tournament
very nervous as last year had been so successful and there was a strong chance I would not be able to replicate the results.