Page 18 - RADC 2017
P. 18
The Captains
Captain Emily Summers, RADC
This report outlines the events of July 15/16th, The Captains and Subalterns Polo Tournament, and highlights the success of the AMS Polo Team.
The Captains and Subalterns is the second oldest polo
tournament in the
world. Established in
1896, it has been held annually ever since and is now held at Tidworth Polo Club, Wiltshire. This year, there were over 20 teams representing regiments and corps from the Army as well as teams from the RAF and Navy.
It was the first time we as the AMS polo team had played together in a military tournament and we were welcomed by players and organisers a like. Lt Paul Eraheimen (QARANC) managed the lead up to the tournament, sourcing private sponsors – Jean Boucton Champagne, Staag Clothing and Jaguar Landrover – to help fund the entry fees and provide team kit.
We met for a training session on the Friday before the tournament – no one had played for many months so this was a great way to brush off the cobwebs and get back into the game! Major Olivia Allenby-Dilley
and I spent time eyeing up the ball, practicing passing up and down the rather
bumpy training ground – good practice as it made the smooth turf of Tidworth Polo Club seem flat as a pancake!
The first match we played was against
the Welsh Guards. They came out fiercely and very strong but we held our own, using our strengths as riders to manoeuvre our ponies on to the ball. Private Mollie Darwin (Student Nurse) gave the whole crowd some entertainment as her pony bucked its way down the long side of the pitch in a chase
– luckily she’s spent time as a rodeo rider
in her past! Thankfully she stayed on and completed the third chukka (each phase of play is called a chukka). We continued to defend our 1 goal lead, finally sealing the
deal and ensuring our place in the final. The rest of the day was spent hosting
our sponsors - Jean Christophe (our champagne sponsor) kindly provided Jean Boucton Champagne and canopes all day to keep our strength up! Lots of photos were taken by our professional, Jason from Equuis Photography. After we’d done enough admiring of the cars JLR had brought, we packed up for an early night in preparation for the finals day.
The Royal Dragoon Guards were through in our round and we were the first match
of the day – at least there was little time
for the nerves to set in. Their strength and horsemanship coupled with some errors
in front of goal by us lead to their victory but the level of polo played far outstripped our expectations. We all came off the pitch buzzing from having played some fantastic
It was the first time we as the AMS polo team had played together in a military tournament...