Page 32 - RADC 2017
P. 32

  Exercise Prairie Storm 2
Major Tom Drinkel, RADC
In June 2017, Maj Drinkel and LCpl Lewis deployed on Ex Prairie Storm 2 with 4 Sqn, 4 Armd Med Regt. The Sqn deployed as part of the 4 RLC Battle Group Support, alongside the 1 Yorks Battle Group. The aim of the exercise was to complete Collective Training (CT) levels 1-4 in preparation for our high readiness year in 2018.
On arrival in Camp Crowfoot, in addition
to the usual pre- deployment admin and safety briefs, we got the opportunity to take part in a Rehersal of Concept (ROC) drill, which
gave us a much better understanding of how we would be fitting in with other support units.
During the first week,
LCpl Lewis got the opportunity to undertake Adventure Training in the Rocky Mountains. This involved 5 days of horse back riding, which was a good experience but very challenging for a first time rider. He came back with some spectacular photographs and a walk like John Wayne. Meanwhile,
I got a place on a live firing package which including fire and manoeuvre, night time firing, and acting as top cover during convoy drills, all new experiences
  He came back with some spectacular photographs and a walk like John Wayne.
for me.
Through the exercise
the dental team was part of the MRS troop, and we were
on hand to provide support for a number of the casualty scenarios, acting in a number of different roles including scribing and sanitising patients. We were also able to

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