Page 5 - RADC 2017
P. 5

Maj R Cheema, RADC
Having inherited the baton as Editor in early summer 2017, the challenge that lay in front of me was to compile a Bulletin that would continue to offer the readership a representative account of some of the more interesting activities that members of our Corps have been up to over the past year whilst meeting the short deadline with the publishing house, less than six months away.
With a smaller corps, closure of bases in BFG, loss of overseas PIDs and the lowered tempo of operational commitments by the RADC, there was a fear that I would be struggling for “interesting” articles to fill the hallowed pages of our Bulletin. However, with the call for articles sounded (particular thanks to the RADC Newsletter and my “informers” on the ground – you know who you are), a steady trickle of articles began over the summer months, escalating, more recently, to a fuller flow aided by repeated (in some cases verging on harassment) email reminders.
And so, in keeping with the glossier format of more recent
years, this edition to continues to chronicle the diverse activities undertaken by members of our Corps. It is wonderful to see our personnel still achieving much and enjoying themselves whilst doing so, whether it be on the field of sport, on exotic postings, on testing military exercises, on expeditions deep in the jungle, on arduous deployments or in the name of charity.
I would like to thank Crest Publications for their continued help
in making this Bulletin go from strength to strength, our sponsors for their financial support and, of course, all the contributors to this edition who not only grasped the opportunities available to them but then gave something back for us all to enjoy. This is our bulletin and it is our stories of achievement that not only make it a success but also leave a legacy for our younger/newer members to look up to, so please continue with your unwavering support in contributing articles for future editions.
Enjoy your bulletin.
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