Page 7 - MERCIAN Eagle 2019
P. 7

                                 The Regimental Support Team supporting the Tamworth Parade with a stand and a range on the Glorious 1st June 2019.
 Regimental Support Team
Sgt Anthony Fayle
Over the last year the RST (Regimental Support Team) have seen some big changes in the way of recruiting and man power. We are now combining our strength with the newly-formed Infantry recruiting team named the IET (Infantry Engagement Team). This will see us not only recruiting for the Mercian Regiment but also for the King’s Division and the rest of the Army. This will have a big effect on us as this opens a greater recruiting area with higher local population to recruit from.
Since the IET’s formation we have increased our manpower on the RST to allow us to cover a larger number of events without losing any good working relations with the local authorities and contacts that help us run and organise a number of events.
The RST are now broken down into four main teams, three
of them are recruiting teams, with the other team focused on nurturing and Pte Derby. Having the four teams allows us to be involved in every recruiting event possible, which has worked well for us so far.
Within the last year the recruiting teams have been extremely busy with some amazing events organised by ourselves, such as going from local gyms and boxing clubs, all the way to festivals.
One of the main events we have organised and run involves working alongside the NCS (National Citizen Service) and football in the community. We got involved to help develop greater confidence, self-awareness, leadership skills and teamwork. This ran over a five week program which had up to 2,000 participants with amazing returns of people interested in joining not just the Army but wanting to join the Mercian Regiment, showing all the hard work the members of recruiting team put in has paid off.
The nurturing and mascot team have been just as busy with helping on most events the recruiting teams are on but also attending countless parades, visits to Derby County FC and hundreds more, all while keeping potential recruits interested with phone calls and emailing updated information on the Regiment to prevent people falling through the cracks.
We have had a busy year, and without the professionalism, subject knowledge and selfless commitment from the members of the Regimental Support Team we wouldn’t have had such a successful year.

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